Hi everyone,
Fred came back last night he is full of it, he even started to eat my favorite bone! Then he barked at me and ran away, every time I went over to him he just rolled over and showed me his tummy. I think I'm looking forward to him coming back as long as he doesn't bark at me and as long as Daddy is about, he cuddled me while Fred was there last night.
Still no fat man in a red suit, I'll keep you posted.
Merry Christmas, love
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
First it must be Christmas, then meet Fred!
Hello everyone,
It must be Christmas, I had to endure the annual embarrassing photographs with the Reindeer antlers on again, I did try to enter into the spirit of things but as you can see from the photographs the novelty really is wearing thin now.
As you can see from this one I was willing to participate at the start and because I was being bribed with milky bones to sit still and have my picture taken. I do like my new red bandanna though I think this is very festive. However, even for milky bones I couldn't keep up the pretence for long
I had just managed to remove the antlers and recover some of my natural dignity when Nat Nat and Gregg arrived, now this is always a good reason to be excited as they always make big fusses of me and I get lots of attention and tummy rubs. However, they had a surprise with them, FRED.
Now it seems that they had just come back from Littlehampton, where they had collected Fred from his home so that they could be his Mummy and Daddy and he could have a new home with them. This is Fred:
Now I'm not sure about Fred, you see, between us, I'm used to being top doggie at home, actually the only doggie at home. Privately, between us and don't tell Nat Nat, he is way too cute for his own good, although everyone made a big fuss of me they were all watching what Fred was doing, look Mummy even picked him up and sat him on her lap. She doesn't do that with me any more, albeit I am a bit bigger than Fred, but that's not the point.
See what I mean about too cute for his own good, I kept out of his way all the time he was here (I didn't want to stand on him, he is very little after all) he got in my bed and had a good sniff round and apparently he is coming back on Boxing day. I'm not sure when Boxing day is but we are expecting lots of people, I'll have to teach Fred how to keep out of the way and who to follow for treats and who is not worth the effort.
I'm still watching the hole in the wall for the big fat man in the red suit, he's not been yet. Daddy says he will be here soon, I'll let you know, in the mean time Merry Christmas to you all.
Lots of love Becka. Xx
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Doggie Doctor
Hello everybody,
All the white snow stuff has gone from the garden and the park now, but it left me feeling very poorly, developed a bit of trouble doing number ones really painful so much so that Mummy and Daddy took me to the Doggie doctor last week and I have had to have medicine to make me better. Its all a bit embarrassing really, particularly the taking my temperature examination, is that really necessary I mean Daddy was there and everything. Then the next morning Daddy was chasing me around with this little yellow collection thing really can a girl not have any privacy!
The only good bit to come out of all of this is that I get to take my tablets in cheese in the morning and in cheese sandwiches in the evening (Mummy and Daddy make proper bread and cheese and this white squirty medicine) how spoilt am I
I'm feeling a bit better now though, which is lucky because Danny and Uncle Dave the builders came again yesterday and I was able to make big fusses of them and lean on Dave and everything, not sure what they did but whatever it was Daddy had a fire in the hole in the wall last night which was lovely and warm. Daddy seemed quite pleased I was delighted, I like the fire in the hole in the wall, apparently now its nearly Christmas we can have lots of hole in the wall fires, but if a big fat man in a red suit comes down from above the hole in the wall I've got to let him in and be very quiet because he brings pressies I'm not sure what pressies are but everyone seems to be very excited about them and apparently I get them as well, actually I remember last year I got pressies they are fun, I got toys and treats and all sorts of things.
Well must go now I'm still a bit poorly and I'm tired, back to bed I think. I'll let you know about the big fat man in the red suit.
Love Becka
All the white snow stuff has gone from the garden and the park now, but it left me feeling very poorly, developed a bit of trouble doing number ones really painful so much so that Mummy and Daddy took me to the Doggie doctor last week and I have had to have medicine to make me better. Its all a bit embarrassing really, particularly the taking my temperature examination, is that really necessary I mean Daddy was there and everything. Then the next morning Daddy was chasing me around with this little yellow collection thing really can a girl not have any privacy!
The only good bit to come out of all of this is that I get to take my tablets in cheese in the morning and in cheese sandwiches in the evening (Mummy and Daddy make proper bread and cheese and this white squirty medicine) how spoilt am I
I'm feeling a bit better now though, which is lucky because Danny and Uncle Dave the builders came again yesterday and I was able to make big fusses of them and lean on Dave and everything, not sure what they did but whatever it was Daddy had a fire in the hole in the wall last night which was lovely and warm. Daddy seemed quite pleased I was delighted, I like the fire in the hole in the wall, apparently now its nearly Christmas we can have lots of hole in the wall fires, but if a big fat man in a red suit comes down from above the hole in the wall I've got to let him in and be very quiet because he brings pressies I'm not sure what pressies are but everyone seems to be very excited about them and apparently I get them as well, actually I remember last year I got pressies they are fun, I got toys and treats and all sorts of things.
Well must go now I'm still a bit poorly and I'm tired, back to bed I think. I'll let you know about the big fat man in the red suit.
Love Becka
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Who Stole my Garden
Hello again, its me here.
Now when I curled up in my nice new bed I had a big green garden outside my window, this morning when I went outside to play it was gone and I have this cold white expanse instead.
Now I remember this, since we moved to my Bungalow we seem to get a lot of it, I'm sure its called snow. If I remember correctly it's really good for running through and snuffling in, daddy also throws out extra food for the birds to eat when there is this snow stuff on the ground. Does he really think I won't find it, I am a tracking doggie after all, stale bread yummy.
As you can see from the picture we had quite a lot of the snow stuff, I'm quite tall now and it's up to my chest, I like it though its great fun to play in. I'm off now to play some more.
Byeeeeee, Becka
Friday, 5 November 2010
How many birthdays do I get per year?
Hi Everybody,
I know this seems like a strange question, but I'm sure I had a birthday in May because I was two and I think I still am, now I know its not Christmas yet, because the house is not full of all the bright sparkly twinkly thinks and I haven't had to wear those silly jingly antlers that Mummy and Daddy think are so funny. its really all very embarrassing! Anyway I digress, its not my birthday and its not Christmas, but look what I've got!
Mummy came in from work on Wednesday with this big brown box and when she opened it, this is what popped out a new bed for me! how exciting is that. This is me testing it out when it first arrived and it was all new, just my colour don't you think.
It didn't take me long to get it all squishy and comfy, not yet sure if I need both the blankets though so I thought I'd try it with just the one in it, as you can see its really comfy, this is after having had it for just one day and it's my favorite sleepies place now. As you all know I do like my sleepies.
So if its not my birthday and its not Christmas it must be because Mummy loves me very much, thank you Mummy I love it. I must go now, Nanny and Barrie pebbles are coming tonight along with Nat Nat and Greg so I have to look my best, I'll need to get some beauty sleep then have a good wash and brush up so I'm ready for them when they all arrive.
Write soon, lots of love Becka X
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Not such a Wise Old Owl, more a Confused Young Owl
Hi Everybody,
I had a wee bit of a shock a few days ago, I was a sleepies all snuggled down in my bed when BANG! there was a huge noise at the window, Mummy and Daddy either didn't hear it or they ignored it, because they didn't come down. Scared me at the time, but as Mummy and Daddy didn't seem to be bothered by whatever the bang was I snuggled back down into my bed and went back to sleepies.
On the weekend, Saturday afternoon actually, my sister Caroline came around for dinner, she and Mummy were going to a boot fair on Sunday. Anyway she noticed the mark on the window, but now with the afternoon sunlight shining on it you could see much more detail, Daddy took some photographs and this is what he got.
Now I wonder what this little Owl though he could see in the glass that he thought would make a tasty snack, not me surely? I'm much too big.
I've got to go now, Mummy is poorly and wants to use the computer so I have to give it up But before I sign off I wanted to add two more photographs Daddy was being all artistic on Sunday afternoon and actually I thought they were quite nice, so I thought I'd share them with you.
I had a wee bit of a shock a few days ago, I was a sleepies all snuggled down in my bed when BANG! there was a huge noise at the window, Mummy and Daddy either didn't hear it or they ignored it, because they didn't come down. Scared me at the time, but as Mummy and Daddy didn't seem to be bothered by whatever the bang was I snuggled back down into my bed and went back to sleepies.
Anyway the next morning, Mummy noticed a mark on the window where a bird had flown into the glass and the dust from its feathers had left a shadow of its wings on the outside of the glass. I went outside to check to see if the birdie was alright, I had a good look round but there was no Dickie on the floor nor was there any feathers under the window so if it was stunned then it must have woken up again before the fox came through the garden. This is me having a good look around.
On the weekend, Saturday afternoon actually, my sister Caroline came around for dinner, she and Mummy were going to a boot fair on Sunday. Anyway she noticed the mark on the window, but now with the afternoon sunlight shining on it you could see much more detail, Daddy took some photographs and this is what he got.
I've got to go now, Mummy is poorly and wants to use the computer so I have to give it up But before I sign off I wanted to add two more photographs Daddy was being all artistic on Sunday afternoon and actually I thought they were quite nice, so I thought I'd share them with you.
Okay Mummy really wants the computer now so I've got to go now. Write soon.
Love, Becka X
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
That can't be right can it?
Hello everybody,
If anyone can help me with this you can email me at this site.
Look forward to hearing from you, lots of love Becka X
I need some help here, I'm not sure if Mummy and Daddy are telling stories or not. Now according to Mummy and Daddy my ancestors came from Rhodesia, I know that much is true because I'm a Rhodesian Ridgeback, the clue is in the title really. But, now here is where it all gets a bit unbelievable, in the olden days in Rhodesia, my ancestors were trained to hunt lions, well not so much hunt them as track them and then working in pairs or threes to keep the lion occupied until the hunter caught up and trapped or killed the lion. Sounds like a good story, but Mummy and Daddy went to the Zoo a week or so ago and brought back some pictures of lions, the first one is a Daddy Lion and the second one is a Mummy lion.
Now you can see my problem, have you seen the size of those claws! even with big Boris who is a very big dogie I wouldn't want to try to keep one of these big cats busy until a hunter arrived. The Daddy lion is laying down and is huge can you really believe that intelligent pretty dogies like me would want to be chasing big scary things like this, surely not! I think Mummy and Daddy are pulling my paw but I'm just not sure, can anybody help, did my great grand parents really track these huge pussy cats and if they did is that why all the local little cats keep spitting and hissing at me.
Mummy and Daddy had a nice time at the zoo and saw lots of animals, they showed me lots of pictures when they got home some of the animals are really cute and some of them are really scary but the ones that looked like the most fun for me to play with were the Meerkats. They seem to have lots of energy and I'm sure they would be good at hide and seek, it looks like this one is seeking.
Whilst these two are looking for places to hide, you see I don't want to hunt cats but I'd like to play with them and these look like much more my size of cat, aren't they sweet!
Finally I have one more question, does any one know what this is and why has it got two heads, its a very strange looking animal I've never seen anything with two heads before where do they live. I've looked around all my favorite walks and I've not seen anything like this. Can any one help me?
Look forward to hearing from you, lots of love Becka X
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
What a weekend that was!
Hiya everybody,
Remember last time I wrote I was looking forward to Boris and Cassie coming to stay, well we had a great time in the garden and in the Plantation (one of my favorite walkies spots). As I suspected Cassie was a bit miffed at all the attention Boris was paying me, well we are old friends after all. Anyway she started shouting at me really loudly and to be polite as she was a guest in my garden, I let her get away with it for a while, but eventually I had to put my paw down and I had to introduce her to a new game I invented on the spot. I've since called it 'my snarly teeth are bigger and more frightening than yours', for a new game I found my self being quite good at it Cassie was very impressed, even Boris was a bit stunned.
Things settled down fairly quickly after that and we all got along quite well for a first meeting, this is us playing in the garden, well Boris and me playing and Cassie looking on.
I tried to get Cassie involved with the games, as any good host would even sneaking up on her from under the table, as you can see below, but she really wasn't that keen on my bossing Boris around like I'm used to so she stayed out of the way of the 'my mouths bigger than your mouth' games which Boris and I love.
later in the day we all went to the Plantation, which has lots of narrow tracks for running through and bushes for jumping over , we had such fun chasing noises, smells and each other look at Cassie's ears when she runs they stick up! she is really cute, not as pretty as me of course, but cute all the same. Once we had been running around in the Plantation for a while we all started to feel a little tired, so I persuaded Mummy and Daddy to take us home for some dinner and a little rest. Nat Nat and Gregg were at home waiting for us when we got home, which was a nice treat, although Nat Nat was not feeling very well. I still got big hugs though.
We played, eat each others food and swapped rawhide bones all week end, that caused a bit of confusion and a few growls from all three of us you see we all wanted the biggest bits and none of us was particularly bothered about what was fair or who actually owned which bit. Daddy got annoyed with this though and took all the bits away, we did get them back at the end of the visit though. By the time Boris and Cassie had to go home they seemed quite settled, in fact I don't think either of them really wanted to go. I think I'm quite a good hostess really, although all the effort in keeping everybody amused and happy is very tiring. As you can see from the last picture I had to have a little rest after they had gone, actually, to be honest, I went back to bed and stayed there for the rest of the day.
I'm hoping that Boris and Kassie can come back soon, or perhaps I could go up to see them, I'll have to have a word with Mummy and Daddy to see what we can arrange. I'll let you know how I get on.
Write soon, lots of love Becka. Xx
Friday, 17 September 2010
Old friends and new friends!
Hello everyone,
We are having visitors at the weekend, you remember mummy and daddy's friends Gary and Sharron and their dog Boris, he's the one who taught me ditch jumping (quite a hunk actually), well he's got a new girl friend, they all live together in Cambridgeshire and they are all coming to visit on Saturday.
Boris' new girl friend is called Cassie, I've seen pictures of her and whilst she's not as pretty as me she looks great fun, I hope she likes me I'm sure I'm going to like her. I'm told she is really good at 'my mouth is bigger than your mouth' as she plays it with Boris regularly and he taught me how to play so she would have lots of practice. I'm really looking forward to them coming to stay it's going to be such fun I haven't had any one for a sleep over for ages.
I'll tell you all about it next week its soooooooooo exciting!
Lots of love
Becka X
We are having visitors at the weekend, you remember mummy and daddy's friends Gary and Sharron and their dog Boris, he's the one who taught me ditch jumping (quite a hunk actually), well he's got a new girl friend, they all live together in Cambridgeshire and they are all coming to visit on Saturday.
Boris' new girl friend is called Cassie, I've seen pictures of her and whilst she's not as pretty as me she looks great fun, I hope she likes me I'm sure I'm going to like her. I'm told she is really good at 'my mouth is bigger than your mouth' as she plays it with Boris regularly and he taught me how to play so she would have lots of practice. I'm really looking forward to them coming to stay it's going to be such fun I haven't had any one for a sleep over for ages.
I'll tell you all about it next week its soooooooooo exciting!
Lots of love
Becka X
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Nat Nat's 21st Birthday Party
Hello everybody,
Remember the last time I wrote mummy and daddy were planning Nat Nat's fancy dress party and I was going as Scooby Do, well last Sunday was the day, daddy and I worked all morning in the kitchen making lots of yummy food, some of which I can tell you was very yummy as I helped taste testing it! But some of the especially yummy stuff that came out of the oven, I was not allowed to taste test it all, daddy can be so mean at times!
Eventually with the tent all back up and secure every one calmed down again and people started to arrive and settle in some of them were dressed rather strangely look at the next two photographs and you will see what I mean now this is Nat Nat and Gregg together (outside the tent bit that collapsed). He is Popeye, now I think I know who this Popeye chap is, he is the man that makes the popcorn chicken at Kentucky. Nat Nat brings this round occasionally when mummy and daddy are away nice I like popcorn chicken.
Remember the last time I wrote mummy and daddy were planning Nat Nat's fancy dress party and I was going as Scooby Do, well last Sunday was the day, daddy and I worked all morning in the kitchen making lots of yummy food, some of which I can tell you was very yummy as I helped taste testing it! But some of the especially yummy stuff that came out of the oven, I was not allowed to taste test it all, daddy can be so mean at times!
While daddy and me were working hard in the kitchen, mummy was cleaning the house and Gregg was setting up the bar and the tables and chairs in the garden, Caroline and Anthony arrived and set about setting up the music and helping move the food into the garden on the tables in the tent thing. Just in time, we were all ready to wait for the guests to start arriving and we were taking photographs of Nat Nat in her costume, she looks more like someone else than my Nat Nat, but she rubbed my tummy just like Nat Nat so I knew it was her really. Apparently she looked like someone called Marilyn Monroe, I don't know who this Marilyn Monroe person is, but she is very pretty if she looks like this, what do you think.
We were all finishing off when we had a little bit of a problem, suddenly it started to rain and it got heavier and heavier and the wind blew, then suddenly the tent thing in the garden blew down and there was lots of running around and people panicking. There was also a few rude words as daddy Anthony, Russell and Gregg ran out and rescued the tent.
I think they must be really happy, they look really happy and remember that when she is really happy Nat Nat starts trying to wrestle Gregg's head off, seems he's learnt to get his wrestling moves in first and trap those arms down below the level of his neck.
In amongst all of the guests, there was little people, you will recall little people and parties are great fun, if you follow them around they drop food, or now they are a little bit older they just give you food, I had a really good time with the little people at the party, Alfie, Sam, Reece and Jake all gave me loads of tit bits, although as you can see from the next photographs there was a really nice looking cake and both Reese and Jake were really mean with their cake, they ate it all themselves I didn't get any. If you look carefully in the photograph you can see Jake on the left and Reece on the right covering their ears whilst every one is singing Happy Birthday to Nat Nat. I thought it was OK daddy always sings like that and it seems all the mummies and daddies do too.
This is Nat Nat with mummy, seems she was the vicar of Dibley, whats a Dibley and why has mummy stolen their vicar, come to that, whats a vicar. Nice cake though.
Now after all that partying and following the little people around (do the little people ever slow down or even stop) a girl needs her beauty sleep so even before the big peoples started to drift off home, I retired gracefully to my bed and had a big sleepies.
I heard mummy and daddy talking the next day and they said they had a lovely time at the party, so did I but I was very tired the next day I had to help with the clearing up and putting the furniture back where it should be and everything, well moving my bed back into my favorite corner on the floor in the middle bit of the sofa.
I hope all those who came to Nat Nat's party enjoyed it, write soon.
Lots of love Becka XXXXX
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Finaly I'm back
Hello again
Well! what a summer this has been, I came back from holiday refreshed and ready to get my paws on the computer and daddy disappears for a night, seems he had to go into hospital for an operation so I had to be a big girl and look after mummy while he was away. I went into doggie hospital once and I woke up with a very sore tummy and couldn't play with other doggies for two weeks! daddy didn't seem to have a sore tummy, more of a sore throat and he didn't seem to mind playing with me, so I think peoples hospital can't be as bad as doggie hospital.
Anyway daddy has been at home for a couple of weeks so I haven't been able to get on the computer while he has been here. You see they don't know that I do this, they also have a new camera which is proving a bit more difficult to use so I'm a bit short of photographs at the moment. The advantage to daddy being her is that I have had lots of extra cuddles and tummy rubs during the day, which is very nice, but there are times when a girl needs to be left alone for a little snooze. I suppose that I brought part of the problem on myself, you see, I found a new hole in the fence and was checking out the front garden when Shelia from next door saw me and took me back to my front door. That was it for the next week daddy never let me have a moment alone in case I went exploring again, until he was well enough to block up the hole.
Well he is now back at work and we are making preparations for my little sisters (Nat Nats) birthday party, she was 21 while she was away on holiday and she is having a fancy dress party on the weekend. I'm going as Scooby Do apparently, so no fancy dress, (which is good because mummy and daddy went to a 60's party a few wees ago and they looked very odd) but loads of Scoobie snacks, I haven't got the heart to tell daddy that its a cartoon not a real doggie, besides the Scoobie snacks that he has fed me are really very good.
I'll write again after the party, maybe by then I will have worked out the new camera and be able to put some photographs on.
Lots of love
Becka X
Well! what a summer this has been, I came back from holiday refreshed and ready to get my paws on the computer and daddy disappears for a night, seems he had to go into hospital for an operation so I had to be a big girl and look after mummy while he was away. I went into doggie hospital once and I woke up with a very sore tummy and couldn't play with other doggies for two weeks! daddy didn't seem to have a sore tummy, more of a sore throat and he didn't seem to mind playing with me, so I think peoples hospital can't be as bad as doggie hospital.
Anyway daddy has been at home for a couple of weeks so I haven't been able to get on the computer while he has been here. You see they don't know that I do this, they also have a new camera which is proving a bit more difficult to use so I'm a bit short of photographs at the moment. The advantage to daddy being her is that I have had lots of extra cuddles and tummy rubs during the day, which is very nice, but there are times when a girl needs to be left alone for a little snooze. I suppose that I brought part of the problem on myself, you see, I found a new hole in the fence and was checking out the front garden when Shelia from next door saw me and took me back to my front door. That was it for the next week daddy never let me have a moment alone in case I went exploring again, until he was well enough to block up the hole.
Well he is now back at work and we are making preparations for my little sisters (Nat Nats) birthday party, she was 21 while she was away on holiday and she is having a fancy dress party on the weekend. I'm going as Scooby Do apparently, so no fancy dress, (which is good because mummy and daddy went to a 60's party a few wees ago and they looked very odd) but loads of Scoobie snacks, I haven't got the heart to tell daddy that its a cartoon not a real doggie, besides the Scoobie snacks that he has fed me are really very good.
I'll write again after the party, maybe by then I will have worked out the new camera and be able to put some photographs on.
Lots of love
Becka X
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
I'm Home !
Hi Everybody,
I'm back from my holidays, I had a lovely time in Selsea with Nanny and Barrie pebbles, we went for lots of lovely walkies and I had grated cheese on my dinner more often than not. I played with Beemer on the beach and my friend Mattie came to stay as well, we had great fun together. Mummy and Daddy were also away on their holidays, they went to America, which is very far away, I'm not sure if its as far as Selsea, but its a long way.
Nanny and Barrie brought me home on Saturday and Mummy and Daddy came home on Sunday, Mummy and Daddy had been to see my friend Boris and his new friend Kassie at Sharon and Gary's house in Cambridge (is Cambridge in America, cos I've been to Cambridge and its not as far as Selsea).
Unfortunately, Mummy and Daddy took the camera when they went on holiday, so I couldn't take any pictures of my holiday, not sure I could have managed all those little buttons anyway, I have enough trouble with the keyboard! But you will have to take my word for it Selsea in the summer, with your friends is the place to be.
I'll write again soon, but for the moment, I have to start retraining Mummy and Daddy about the grated cheese on my dinner, now where is Nanny pebbles phone number, I had it on a disc around my neck for the last couple of weeks, but I got a new collar when I got home (a pink one that says good girl on it, its really pretty) and this disc has got Mummy and Daddy's numbers on it. So I can't get Nanny pebbles to call Mummy and Daddy and explain that I'll eat all that boring dog stuff, if its got cheese on it.
Never mind, I'm sure they will learn given enough time, they can be a bit stubborn, you see its important to let them think they are in control, which they are when I let them. I have to be a bit careful, Mummy and Daddy might read this blog, you can never be sure. Any way I just wanted to say thank you to Nanny and Barrie pebbles for a lovely holiday.
lots of love Becka. XX
I'm back from my holidays, I had a lovely time in Selsea with Nanny and Barrie pebbles, we went for lots of lovely walkies and I had grated cheese on my dinner more often than not. I played with Beemer on the beach and my friend Mattie came to stay as well, we had great fun together. Mummy and Daddy were also away on their holidays, they went to America, which is very far away, I'm not sure if its as far as Selsea, but its a long way.
Nanny and Barrie brought me home on Saturday and Mummy and Daddy came home on Sunday, Mummy and Daddy had been to see my friend Boris and his new friend Kassie at Sharon and Gary's house in Cambridge (is Cambridge in America, cos I've been to Cambridge and its not as far as Selsea).
Unfortunately, Mummy and Daddy took the camera when they went on holiday, so I couldn't take any pictures of my holiday, not sure I could have managed all those little buttons anyway, I have enough trouble with the keyboard! But you will have to take my word for it Selsea in the summer, with your friends is the place to be.
I'll write again soon, but for the moment, I have to start retraining Mummy and Daddy about the grated cheese on my dinner, now where is Nanny pebbles phone number, I had it on a disc around my neck for the last couple of weeks, but I got a new collar when I got home (a pink one that says good girl on it, its really pretty) and this disc has got Mummy and Daddy's numbers on it. So I can't get Nanny pebbles to call Mummy and Daddy and explain that I'll eat all that boring dog stuff, if its got cheese on it.
Never mind, I'm sure they will learn given enough time, they can be a bit stubborn, you see its important to let them think they are in control, which they are when I let them. I have to be a bit careful, Mummy and Daddy might read this blog, you can never be sure. Any way I just wanted to say thank you to Nanny and Barrie pebbles for a lovely holiday.
lots of love Becka. XX
Friday, 25 June 2010
I'm going on Holiday!!!!!!!!!
Hello everyone,
Sorry I haven't been writing for a while, but I've been busy organising Mummy and Daddy to make sure everything is ready for my Holiday with Nanny and Barrie Pebbles. You see I have to have a clean bed, new bags of food, plenty of biscuits and all my toys and a towel have to be packed. Then I'm off to the sea side to see my friends in Selsea.
I'll miss Mummy and Daddy, but I'm really excited to be going on my holiday, last year I went to stay with Auntie Carol, Uncle Paul and Mattie which was great fun, but they are away this year, so I get to go to the sea side, how exciting I'll see my little friend Beamer, he is a Jack Russell and has got lots of energy, you see he only weighs about 2kg where I'm a big dog who uses much more energy to chase him around. Last time I saw him I had to put my paw on him to keep him still, sounds like a plan for this time too.
See you all soon, I'm off now to check that Mummy and Daddy have packed all the right things and to wait for my lift to arrive. I'll tell you all about it in a couple of weeks.
Love Becka.
Sorry I haven't been writing for a while, but I've been busy organising Mummy and Daddy to make sure everything is ready for my Holiday with Nanny and Barrie Pebbles. You see I have to have a clean bed, new bags of food, plenty of biscuits and all my toys and a towel have to be packed. Then I'm off to the sea side to see my friends in Selsea.
I'll miss Mummy and Daddy, but I'm really excited to be going on my holiday, last year I went to stay with Auntie Carol, Uncle Paul and Mattie which was great fun, but they are away this year, so I get to go to the sea side, how exciting I'll see my little friend Beamer, he is a Jack Russell and has got lots of energy, you see he only weighs about 2kg where I'm a big dog who uses much more energy to chase him around. Last time I saw him I had to put my paw on him to keep him still, sounds like a plan for this time too.
See you all soon, I'm off now to check that Mummy and Daddy have packed all the right things and to wait for my lift to arrive. I'll tell you all about it in a couple of weeks.
Love Becka.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Birthday party SURPRISE!
Hi Everyone,
Its me again, Mummy and Daddy left for a weekend in London on Saturday and Natalie and Gregg came to look after me for the weekend. Well almost the moment Mummy and Daddy left the house, things started to happen, Caroline and Anthony arrived, furniture got moved around and brightly coloured sparkly things (banners?) were stuck up all over the place with ballons. The big tent thing was brought out and put up in the back garden and Anthony set up big boxes that played music into the back garden.
Really good thing was though after all their efforts during the afternoon and into the evening, they had Pizza, I like Pizza and I was allowed to stay up and help them finish off the end of it. Yummy!
Well the next day Nat Greg, Caroline and Anthony were all at it again, this time making lots of yummy food, I helped wherever I could, especially clearing up the bits they dropped! I was good at that. Then all sorts of people started to arrive, some I had met before and some new people that I had never seen, they all seemed very nice and they all thought something was very funny, but no one told me what the funny thing was.
Suddenly we were all told to go into the front garden, I had to have a lead on because of the road, but everyone stood in the garden and waited, all seemed a little strange. Then suddenly Mummy and Daddy arrived back from London (Gregg had collected them from the station and brought them home) Daddy looked a little confused, even more than normal actually, but he was smiling a lot when he got out of the car and he made a big fuss of me and seemingly everyone in the garden. It seems that Mummy had been fibbing to him for months and arranged the party as a surprise, well it must of worked because Daddy certainly looked surprised.
I'll post some pictures and more details in a couple of days, got to go now, the suns out and there is this lovely new deck to lay on and sun bathe I like sun bathing, not as much as Pizza, now there is a thought, laying on the deck in the sun eating Pizza, Mmmmmmmmmm
See you all soon, lots of love.
Becka Xxxx
Its me again, Mummy and Daddy left for a weekend in London on Saturday and Natalie and Gregg came to look after me for the weekend. Well almost the moment Mummy and Daddy left the house, things started to happen, Caroline and Anthony arrived, furniture got moved around and brightly coloured sparkly things (banners?) were stuck up all over the place with ballons. The big tent thing was brought out and put up in the back garden and Anthony set up big boxes that played music into the back garden.
Really good thing was though after all their efforts during the afternoon and into the evening, they had Pizza, I like Pizza and I was allowed to stay up and help them finish off the end of it. Yummy!
Well the next day Nat Greg, Caroline and Anthony were all at it again, this time making lots of yummy food, I helped wherever I could, especially clearing up the bits they dropped! I was good at that. Then all sorts of people started to arrive, some I had met before and some new people that I had never seen, they all seemed very nice and they all thought something was very funny, but no one told me what the funny thing was.
Suddenly we were all told to go into the front garden, I had to have a lead on because of the road, but everyone stood in the garden and waited, all seemed a little strange. Then suddenly Mummy and Daddy arrived back from London (Gregg had collected them from the station and brought them home) Daddy looked a little confused, even more than normal actually, but he was smiling a lot when he got out of the car and he made a big fuss of me and seemingly everyone in the garden. It seems that Mummy had been fibbing to him for months and arranged the party as a surprise, well it must of worked because Daddy certainly looked surprised.
I'll post some pictures and more details in a couple of days, got to go now, the suns out and there is this lovely new deck to lay on and sun bathe I like sun bathing, not as much as Pizza, now there is a thought, laying on the deck in the sun eating Pizza, Mmmmmmmmmm
See you all soon, lots of love.
Becka Xxxx
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Happy Birthday 50 today!
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to wish my Daddy a Happy Birthday, he is 50 years old today. Mummy explained that that is very old, much older than me, I'm not entirely sure how this works yesterday he was not 'very old' and today he is. is there something in the bedroom that changed him overnight.
Anyway he was fine when he took me to the park this morning so being 'very old' can't be that bad. I'll let him rub my tummy later that always seems to please him, pleases me too!
Must dash now Happy Birthday Daddy.
lots of love, Becka X
Just wanted to wish my Daddy a Happy Birthday, he is 50 years old today. Mummy explained that that is very old, much older than me, I'm not entirely sure how this works yesterday he was not 'very old' and today he is. is there something in the bedroom that changed him overnight.
Anyway he was fine when he took me to the park this morning so being 'very old' can't be that bad. I'll let him rub my tummy later that always seems to please him, pleases me too!
Must dash now Happy Birthday Daddy.
lots of love, Becka X
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Wow what a difference !!!!
Hi Everybody,
Danny, Dave and Ricky, took the cage off of the face ting that they have built in my garden yesterday and what a difference it makes, they must now be confident that they have tamed the big brick thing because up until now they have had to keep it in a big cage to keep it under control, but now its been set free!

It doesn't seem to do much though if I'd been kept in a cage for all those months I'd be running around and having fun, this brick thing just sort of sits there, still got that nice face though. See big nose two eyes and a rather gappy smile.
Just so you can appreciate how different this looks from the original (before Danny and his mates stole my garden) I've had Daddy dig out a photograph I published before they arrived, the big brick built bit is very big isn't it? This is how it used to look, I recognise the bit on the right, but it has changed a lot.
As you can see though, as long as I've got my rug to stretch out on I can be comfortable in any room although i do miss the soft fluffy stuff (carpet?) that is still left in some of the rooms. Nice fireplace in here though, I'm almost looking forward to when the snow stuff comes back and we can have another fire, I like fires they are lovely and warm.
Got to go now, remember last week it was my birthday, well tomorrow its Daddy's birthday apparently he is 50 and that quite a big deal, I still can't count is that better than being 2 because I'm 2 and that makes me feel important!
I'll let you know what happens tomorrow, but I'm sure Mummy is up to something.
Love to you all.
Becka X
Monday, 17 May 2010
Its My BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Everyone,
Its my Birthday today, Happy birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear Becka, Happy birthday to me!
OK having done all that, whats a Birthday? its obviously something good because I had biscuits in bed and Mummy sang the funny little song to me whilst rubbing my tummy. then I got a big pot of scrummy cheesy stuff to lick clean and had a nice little walk in the park with Daddy (extra biscuits here too!)
The only thing that worries me a little bit is that I'm going to get a present tonight as it's my Birthday, apparently I'm two but that can't be right as there is only one of me. This present, is having a Birthday a bit like having an engaged, only if it is I don't want Nat Nat coming round trying to wrestle my head off, that would'nt be much of a present.
Anyway what ever it is I think I like having a Birthday I'm getting lots of attention, which is always good. Perhaps I can have another one tomorrow, or is that being greedy.
Write soon, love
Its my Birthday today, Happy birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear Becka, Happy birthday to me!
OK having done all that, whats a Birthday? its obviously something good because I had biscuits in bed and Mummy sang the funny little song to me whilst rubbing my tummy. then I got a big pot of scrummy cheesy stuff to lick clean and had a nice little walk in the park with Daddy (extra biscuits here too!)
The only thing that worries me a little bit is that I'm going to get a present tonight as it's my Birthday, apparently I'm two but that can't be right as there is only one of me. This present, is having a Birthday a bit like having an engaged, only if it is I don't want Nat Nat coming round trying to wrestle my head off, that would'nt be much of a present.
Anyway what ever it is I think I like having a Birthday I'm getting lots of attention, which is always good. Perhaps I can have another one tomorrow, or is that being greedy.
Write soon, love
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Just when I though it was safe to move in !
Hi Everybody,
I really thought I'd worked it out, Mummy and Daddy were building me an annex for me to move into, might be a bit chilly though, look no windows although it does have a big fireplace for Daddy to play with the logs hes been chopping out the front.

I'd sort of got used to being allowed into my new annex when the door was left open during the day, it was screwed shut at night to keep the cold out no windows you see! I have tried to tell them. Anyway my hints about the cold and the rain getting in must have taken into account (standing shivering must have done the trick!) because suddenly windows and doors arrived and in a day they were in and sealed up. if you look carefully in the next picture you can see them in the hole in the wall.
You can also see in this photograph that all the pink walls have been turned white. Nanny and Grandad sand came up and helped Mummy and Daddy put all the white stuff onto the pink stuff, the white stuff must be very dangerous because I was not allowed anywhere near it. I have been back several times since and had a smell and a little lean on it and it seems OK, Mummy and Daddy don't seem to mind me doing this after their finished, but when they are putting the white stuff on they banish me from the room.
I've now discovered that the white stuff is called paint and comes in big tubs and smaller tins, take my advise, stay away from the white stuff until after its been there for a while, Daddy has loads of it on his shoes and it doesn't come off, nasty stuff this paint.
Anyway, I'd come to terms with the new annex and the day time access, I was just planning moving in, when suddenly after a particularly noisy day Danny, and his brother Dave stole one of the walls in the hallway, fortunately it wasn't one of my favourite leaning positions, but whatever next! as fast as they are building new bits they start knocking down the old bits, maybe Mummy and Daddy have some sort of an exchange arrangement going on, for every bit they add on they get to take an old bit away, you remember the first thing they did was take away a piece of the garden. Look at the picture below, this is from the new room looking into hall, see no wall, big isn't it no wonder it's cold in this bit all the time, even with the new windows. I don't mind too much because my beds are by the radiator in the kitchen and the fire in the lounge, although suddenly Mummy and Daddy call this the dining room, whats a dining room we never had one of those before.

I'll let you know how things progress and if I find out what the dining room is, remember though stay away from the paint stuff!
Lots of love, Becka
Thursday, 22 April 2010
An answer to a question and other news!
Hi everyone,
Do you remember last November I posed the question 'Whats an Engaged' well I think I may have discovered, I will explain but I need to fill in some recent history first and say thank you to some new friends.
You remember my friend Millie the little chocolate Labrador, who's chicken I tried to eat a couple of weeks ago, well her Mummy and Daddy have gone away on holiday and she has come to stay with me for a couple of weeks. I think she is still a little bit upset about the chicken because she was a real misog at first, but she is much better now. Anyway, last weekend my Mummy and Daddy and lots of other people, including Natalie, Greg, Caroline, Anthony, Nanny and Grandad sand, Nanny and Barrie pebbles and Sharon and Gary (Boris's Mummy and Daddy) went away on Saturday night to a Ladies Night. I'm not sure what a Ladies night is because it must have involved men anyway that's another question, life is full of them isn't it.
While they were away, Millie and I needed new housekeeper's to look after us and Sophie and Dec came to stay, whaoo! how good was this. they are really nice, they fed us and played with us in the garden then we had lots of cuddles and tummy rubs and everything. We liked them coming to look after us, we had treat biscuits for breakfast, although I think that was a mistake, and we had Pizza for tea. Thank you both for looking after us you can come and visit anytime you want we had a lovely time.
Right on with the answer to the question, whats an Engaged? remember Mummy and Daddy got one last November and they were really happy for ages, actually they still are! well Greg and Natalie got one last Saturday and this time I got pictures from Daddy's camera. It seems that the man, in this case Greg, suffers some sort of fall, collapsing onto one knee, see what I mean in the first photograph he is falling, then in the next one there he is down on one knee! which certainly captured Natalie's attention and her nanny pebbles attention to, that's her on the right having a sly peek as well!
After Greg has Natalie's full and undivided attention he asks her a question 'Will you Marry me' and she said YES, at this point he slipped a bright sparkly ring on her finger and she is so happy she tries to wrestle his head off of his shoulders, see!
Having failed to get his head off Natalie burst into tears, fortunately grandad sand was their armed with a hankie.
Never mind, as I understand it, they have got the rest of their lives together so she can try again I'm sure given practise she can get his head right off. So that how you get an engaged, seems to make them happy, but it all seems a bit odd to me, wouldn't they be happier with a nice bone or something!
Anyway that's all my non building news for the moment, apart from the fact the Millie's Mummy and Daddy are stuck on holiday because they can't get a flight home, something to do with dust in the air, they should be in my house, there is lots of dust in the air here so she is staying for a bit longer. it just gets better and better!
Write again soon, I'll let you know if Natalie gets his head off.
Love Becka.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Its an Upstairs !!!!!!!!
Hello Everyone,
Its been a while, sorry about that, but I've finally worked it out. Mummy and Daddy are having an upstairs built, remember we had a stairway to nowhere, well now we have a stairway to upstairs, the problem I have is I'm not allowed upstairs, so I'm not sure what is up there. We had an upstairs in the first house I lived in and I know I went up there once, but I was very young and I was taken straight back down to the bottom of the stairs and told that upstairs was out of bounds and I was not allowed up there.
It seems that Mummy's and Daddy's must have their secrets because we never had an upstairs in this house before, so they had to have one built and I'm still not allowed to see whats so special about 'upstairs' I wonder why its different up their, its all very confusing. As I understand it when a house doesn't have upstairs its a Bungalow so if ours was a bungalow and we will have an upstairs is it a house or is it a bungalow? answers on a postcard or an email please.

Anyway if you look from the outside, you remember that we had walls and a floor, but nothing else, well Danny and his builders made this sort of a wooden cage on top of the walls. Then the cage thing got filled in and they put a hat on it to keep the rain out, apparently that was only partly successful because Mummy and Daddy were running around with buckets catching drips. Danny though thought this was okay because the hat was not finished so the water drips were 'no stress'.
From the outside the upstairs looks a bit like a face, with that big red nose and the square eyes. Have a look at the next picture and see what you think.

I pleaded with Daddy and he agreed to take the camera to upstairs and take some pictures of what is at the top of the wooden hill, this being the wooden hill, which leads to upstairs.

Mummy and Daddy were really pleased with whatever they found up there, it must be one of the secrets, because I can't see anything in these pictures to get excited about, no toys, no soft fuzzy stuff to lie down on, there is not even anything blocking up all the holes, have a look and see if you can see anything that I've missed. The first two are apparently the master bedroom, but I don't think so because Mummy and Daddy have got bedrooms down stairs and they all have beds in them, see no bed.

Now if you think that that is funny, a bedroom with no bed! this last photograph is supposed to be the ensuite, which is a sort of a bathroom, see if you can spot the obvious mistake, shouldn't this room have a bath or a toilet or something? Mummy and Daddy must think I was born yesterday I don't know exactly what they are doing, but I'm watching them.
Bedroom and Bathroom indeed!
I'll let you know what happens next, lots of love. Becka.
Its been a while, sorry about that, but I've finally worked it out. Mummy and Daddy are having an upstairs built, remember we had a stairway to nowhere, well now we have a stairway to upstairs, the problem I have is I'm not allowed upstairs, so I'm not sure what is up there. We had an upstairs in the first house I lived in and I know I went up there once, but I was very young and I was taken straight back down to the bottom of the stairs and told that upstairs was out of bounds and I was not allowed up there.
It seems that Mummy's and Daddy's must have their secrets because we never had an upstairs in this house before, so they had to have one built and I'm still not allowed to see whats so special about 'upstairs' I wonder why its different up their, its all very confusing. As I understand it when a house doesn't have upstairs its a Bungalow so if ours was a bungalow and we will have an upstairs is it a house or is it a bungalow? answers on a postcard or an email please.

Anyway if you look from the outside, you remember that we had walls and a floor, but nothing else, well Danny and his builders made this sort of a wooden cage on top of the walls. Then the cage thing got filled in and they put a hat on it to keep the rain out, apparently that was only partly successful because Mummy and Daddy were running around with buckets catching drips. Danny though thought this was okay because the hat was not finished so the water drips were 'no stress'.
From the outside the upstairs looks a bit like a face, with that big red nose and the square eyes. Have a look at the next picture and see what you think.

I pleaded with Daddy and he agreed to take the camera to upstairs and take some pictures of what is at the top of the wooden hill, this being the wooden hill, which leads to upstairs.

Mummy and Daddy were really pleased with whatever they found up there, it must be one of the secrets, because I can't see anything in these pictures to get excited about, no toys, no soft fuzzy stuff to lie down on, there is not even anything blocking up all the holes, have a look and see if you can see anything that I've missed. The first two are apparently the master bedroom, but I don't think so because Mummy and Daddy have got bedrooms down stairs and they all have beds in them, see no bed.

Now if you think that that is funny, a bedroom with no bed! this last photograph is supposed to be the ensuite, which is a sort of a bathroom, see if you can spot the obvious mistake, shouldn't this room have a bath or a toilet or something? Mummy and Daddy must think I was born yesterday I don't know exactly what they are doing, but I'm watching them.

I'll let you know what happens next, lots of love. Becka.
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