Tuesday, 20 July 2010

I'm Home !

Hi Everybody,

I'm back from my holidays, I had a lovely time in Selsea with Nanny and Barrie pebbles, we went for lots of lovely walkies and I had grated cheese on my dinner more often than not. I played with Beemer on the beach and my friend Mattie came to stay as well, we had great fun together. Mummy and Daddy were also away on their holidays, they went to America, which is very far away, I'm not sure if its as far as Selsea, but its a long way.

Nanny and Barrie brought me home on Saturday and Mummy and Daddy came home on Sunday, Mummy and Daddy had been to see my friend Boris and his new friend Kassie at Sharon and Gary's house in Cambridge (is Cambridge in America, cos I've been to Cambridge and its not as far as Selsea).

Unfortunately, Mummy and Daddy took the camera when they went on holiday, so I couldn't take any pictures of my holiday, not sure I could have managed all those little buttons anyway, I have enough trouble with the keyboard! But you will have to take my word for it Selsea in the summer, with your friends is the place to be.

I'll write again soon, but for the moment, I have to start retraining Mummy and Daddy about the grated cheese on my dinner, now where is Nanny pebbles phone number, I had it on a disc around my neck for the last couple of weeks, but I got a new collar when I got home (a pink one that says good girl on it, its really pretty) and this disc has got Mummy and Daddy's numbers on it. So I can't get Nanny pebbles to call Mummy and Daddy and explain that I'll eat all that boring dog stuff, if its got cheese on it.

Never mind, I'm sure they will learn given enough time, they can be a bit stubborn, you see its important to let them think they are in control, which they are when I let them. I have to be a bit careful, Mummy and Daddy might read this blog, you can never be sure. Any way I just wanted to say thank you to Nanny and Barrie pebbles for a lovely holiday.

lots of love Becka. XX

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