Hi Everybody,
I really thought I'd worked it out, Mummy and Daddy were building me an annex for me to move into, might be a bit chilly though, look no windows although it does have a big fireplace for Daddy to play with the logs hes been chopping out the front.

I'd sort of got used to being allowed into my new annex when the door was left open during the day, it was screwed shut at night to keep the cold out no windows you see! I have tried to tell them. Anyway my hints about the cold and the rain getting in must have taken into account (standing shivering must have done the trick!) because suddenly windows and doors arrived and in a day they were in and sealed up. if you look carefully in the next picture you can see them in the hole in the wall.
You can also see in this photograph that all the pink walls have been turned white. Nanny and Grandad sand came up and helped Mummy and Daddy put all the white stuff onto the pink stuff, the white stuff must be very dangerous because I was not allowed anywhere near it. I have been back several times since and had a smell and a little lean on it and it seems OK, Mummy and Daddy don't seem to mind me doing this after their finished, but when they are putting the white stuff on they banish me from the room.
I've now discovered that the white stuff is called paint and comes in big tubs and smaller tins, take my advise, stay away from the white stuff until after its been there for a while, Daddy has loads of it on his shoes and it doesn't come off, nasty stuff this paint.
Anyway, I'd come to terms with the new annex and the day time access, I was just planning moving in, when suddenly after a particularly noisy day Danny, and his brother Dave stole one of the walls in the hallway, fortunately it wasn't one of my favourite leaning positions, but whatever next! as fast as they are building new bits they start knocking down the old bits, maybe Mummy and Daddy have some sort of an exchange arrangement going on, for every bit they add on they get to take an old bit away, you remember the first thing they did was take away a piece of the garden. Look at the picture below, this is from the new room looking into hall, see no wall, big isn't it no wonder it's cold in this bit all the time, even with the new windows. I don't mind too much because my beds are by the radiator in the kitchen and the fire in the lounge, although suddenly Mummy and Daddy call this the dining room, whats a dining room we never had one of those before.

I'll let you know how things progress and if I find out what the dining room is, remember though stay away from the paint stuff!
Lots of love, Becka
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