Remember the last time I wrote mummy and daddy were planning Nat Nat's fancy dress party and I was going as Scooby Do, well last Sunday was the day, daddy and I worked all morning in the kitchen making lots of yummy food, some of which I can tell you was very yummy as I helped taste testing it! But some of the especially yummy stuff that came out of the oven, I was not allowed to taste test it all, daddy can be so mean at times!
While daddy and me were working hard in the kitchen, mummy was cleaning the house and Gregg was setting up the bar and the tables and chairs in the garden, Caroline and Anthony arrived and set about setting up the music and helping move the food into the garden on the tables in the tent thing. Just in time, we were all ready to wait for the guests to start arriving and we were taking photographs of Nat Nat in her costume, she looks more like someone else than my Nat Nat, but she rubbed my tummy just like Nat Nat so I knew it was her really. Apparently she looked like someone called Marilyn Monroe, I don't know who this Marilyn Monroe person is, but she is very pretty if she looks like this, what do you think.
We were all finishing off when we had a little bit of a problem, suddenly it started to rain and it got heavier and heavier and the wind blew, then suddenly the tent thing in the garden blew down and there was lots of running around and people panicking. There was also a few rude words as daddy Anthony, Russell and Gregg ran out and rescued the tent.
I think they must be really happy, they look really happy and remember that when she is really happy Nat Nat starts trying to wrestle Gregg's head off, seems he's learnt to get his wrestling moves in first and trap those arms down below the level of his neck.
In amongst all of the guests, there was little people, you will recall little people and parties are great fun, if you follow them around they drop food, or now they are a little bit older they just give you food, I had a really good time with the little people at the party, Alfie, Sam, Reece and Jake all gave me loads of tit bits, although as you can see from the next photographs there was a really nice looking cake and both Reese and Jake were really mean with their cake, they ate it all themselves I didn't get any. If you look carefully in the photograph you can see Jake on the left and Reece on the right covering their ears whilst every one is singing Happy Birthday to Nat Nat. I thought it was OK daddy always sings like that and it seems all the mummies and daddies do too.
This is Nat Nat with mummy, seems she was the vicar of Dibley, whats a Dibley and why has mummy stolen their vicar, come to that, whats a vicar. Nice cake though.
Now after all that partying and following the little people around (do the little people ever slow down or even stop) a girl needs her beauty sleep so even before the big peoples started to drift off home, I retired gracefully to my bed and had a big sleepies.
I heard mummy and daddy talking the next day and they said they had a lovely time at the party, so did I but I was very tired the next day I had to help with the clearing up and putting the furniture back where it should be and everything, well moving my bed back into my favorite corner on the floor in the middle bit of the sofa.
I hope all those who came to Nat Nat's party enjoyed it, write soon.
Lots of love Becka XXXXX
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