Tuesday, 1 November 2011

How does he get away with it?

Hi Everybody,

We had a lovely big walk on Saturday morning Millie, Freddie and me all went with Mummy and Daddy to the woods and we played chase, fetch the ball, well Millie and Freddie played fetch the ball, I don't do anything as belittling as fetching.  I played eat the puppy with Freddie and roamed through the trees pretending to track Lions I'm a Ridgeback it's what I do.

Anyway we were all tired when we got back home, so after a nice big breakfast, I went to my soft bed for a rest, Millie went to my hard bed for a rest and Freddie, well have a look at the picture below, how does he get away with it? 
Can you imagine Mummy and Daddy's reaction if I had stretched out on the sofa like that, mind you it would have had to have been the big sofa, cos I wouldn't fit on that little one!  Freddie the Terrorist still gets away with murder!

Millie has had to go home now her Mummy and Daddy came back from holiday and her Daddy collected her yesterday, she was so excited to see him, she was wagging her tail so hard I thought her bum would drop off.  Nanny and Grandad sand went to the airport with Daddy this morning so they can go to the land far far away.  They are going to be away for a long time, perhaps they are going to Once upon a Time I'll ask them when they get back.  Nat Nat and Greg are back from their little holiday so Freddie will have to go home soon as well, it will be very quiet here once everybody has gone, which will be nice and peaceful but I will miss having Millie and Freddie to play with.

Hey ho, couple of days rest then we will see what happens next.  I'll write again soon.

Love to you all.

Becka Xx

Friday, 28 October 2011

First Night fun and games

Hi its me again,

I know it was only yesterday when we talked last time but we had such fun last night I just had to show you, remember Freddie joined Millie and me for the weekend, well its Halloween on Saturday which is a sort of spooky scary ghosts and ghouls night.  Mummy had us all practising our scary eyes and took this photograph, how scary does Millie look! 
Even little Freddie has got scarier eyes than me, but Millie is a very scary dogie in this shot, she's not really scary its only pretend.  We had lots of fun last night although we did get shouted at for playing after bedtime, Mummy came down stairs and was very fierce, which means we must have been a bit naughty because Mummy is not normally fierce at all.

You remember I said yesterday that me and Millie were too big to share any of our beds, well last night there was lots of bangs going off outside during the evening and Millie was a little bit scared, so she snuggled down in my bed and I squeezed in to keep her safe, see we do still fit in one bed, even if we did have to throw out the blanket for a bit of extra room.

Because Freddie is only little he managed to hop up alongside Mummy and snuggle into her for comfort, this is much more normal for Mummy, she is really nice, not normally fierce at all.  We all went to the park this morning and had a nice run, Mummy and Daddy said if were good we can go again later.  Wahoo I can't wait playing in the park with my friends is so much fun.

Got to go now as we did have a bit of a late night (sorry Mummy!) and I want to catch up on some seepies so I'm ready for our trip to the park later.

Lots of love

Becka Xx

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Still Busy!

Hiya everybody,

Remember when I said it was starting to quieten down, well how wrong can you be, Mummy had to go into Hospital to have something removed that was causing here lots of pain, she's back at work now but she was at home for a couple of weeks so I had to look after her.  I'm a very good nurse, I made sure she had plenty of cuddles and sweeties (I helped with the sweeties) and I made sure that Daddy made her plenty of her favourite food, I would have helped with that too but Daddy said I wasn't allowed

Nat Nat,Greg and Freddie came to stay for a weekend, when Mummy and Daddy when to Suffolk and again when Mummy and Daddy went to Wales, Mummy and Daddy don't go away a lot it just happened that they were away two times close together.  I don't mind though because Fred Pup comes to stay and he is always good fun to play with in the garden and in the park.

Nanny and Grandad sand came to stay for the weekend after we went to their house to play with Oliver and Isaac, you remember Oliver he reads me stories so I can go sleepies.  I have had Millie staying this week,  Millie is my Chocolate lab friend, she was my first house guest when I was very little.  I'm so much bigger now we can't share a bed for sleepies any more, we just don't both fit into any of our beds together.  Now its going to be very busy at home tonight because Millie is still here and Fred pup is coming as well Wahoo! what a time were going to have all together.

I'm not sure when everyone is going home, but Nanny and Grandad sand are coming on Monday before they fly off to Australia on Tuesday, now I'm told that Australia is on the other side of the world and is 'far far away', but I thought that place was called 'Once upon a time' cos thats in a land far far away.  So is that really where Australia is or are Nanny and Grandad sand, going to stay in 'Once upon a time'  If anyone knows could you let me know, its all very confusing.

See what I mean about its been so busy I haven't had a moment to my self.  Write soon.

Love lots Becka. Xx

Monday, 12 September 2011

Sorry its been so long

Hi Everybody,

Sorry I've been away from the keyboard for so long, there is nothing wrong, it's just been so busy here all summer that I've not had a moment to my self.  It's just starting to quiet down a bit now so I will be back to update you all very soon.  The builder men have finished and gone away again and I've had a good play on the new shiny black floor, not actually too sure about that, it's very slippy especially when I've just come in from the garden and my paws are wet!

We now have a silver cupboard for my cheese, the big white one is now in the garage, this one still still seems to work okay, the cheese tastes good anyway Oh the doorway has gone, but there is now a bigger hole in the wall from the dining room, or did I tell you that? what it does mean is that I can lie in the the dining room and watch Mummy and Daddy in the kitchen to make sure that they don't use too much of my cheese on their food.

Mummy is coming home in a minute, so I have to go, but I will be back soon.

Love Becka Xxx

Friday, 8 July 2011

They're Back !!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Everybody,

Do remember a year or so ago, the aliens with yellow skins moved in and stole my garden, well they're back and this time they have stolen the kitchen.  The big white cupboard where Mummy and Daddy keep my cheese is in the hall as is my dinner table and water, everything else is gone!  The door we used to go in through has gone and is now a wall, there is a big hole in the wall in the dining room and all the walls have been covered with that funny dark pink stuff which slowly changes to a light pink colour.  The floor now has these shiny black slippy looking things on it which only went down yesterday.

What is really strange though is that Mummy and Daddy seem really pleased with all of this, mind you they are not having their day disrupted by all of the noise and dust.  I can't get any sleep all day and then I'm accused of being miserable in the evenings, when I try to catch up on my sleepies.  I just can't win, honestly what is a girl to do.

Now I know that these are not really aliens, in fact I remember some of them from the last time they were here, I have been taking pictures and will update the progress soon.  This is the first day they have not been here so I have been able to get my paws on the computer.  I'm not allowed in to the play on the shiny black stuff yet, neither are Mummy and Daddy, but as soon as I can I'll let you know what its like.

I'm off to catch up on my sleepies now, its so nice and quiet.  Write soon.

Lots of love  Becka xx

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Now it was Mummy's turn

Hello Everybody,

It was Mummy's birthday yesterday it was so exciting because she is usually not here for her birthday, she is usually on holiday in Key West.  I've no Idea where Key West is, but its a land called, long way away, at least that what Mummy and Daddy tell me.  I wonder if its as far as Nanny and Barrie pebbles house, because that's a long way away, anyway, we did cards and presents in the morning and then again in the evening, I buyed Mummy a card and some of her favorite chocolate buttons (well Daddy buyed them really), but I'm hoping to help Mummy eat them.

Mummy and Daddy went out to dinner last night with Nat, Gregg, Caroline, Anthony and Uncle Steve and when they came home Anthony had saved me a bone from his dinner that I can have tonight.  We are having a party on the weekend and Freddie is coming too.  he has been here to play quite a bit lately, which is great fun, although a little tiring for me.  He is really lively and full of mischief and I have to try to keep him out of trouble, its so difficult being the older doggie all the time, still I suppose that's what comes with age and maturity, I three now you know! and Mummy says I've grown into a proper little madame, which I think is a good thing isn't it.

Anyway thank you to everyone who sent cards and presents to my Mummy, she was really happy all day yesterday and this morning.  I'm looking forward to the party to see some old friends and meet some new ones.

Write soon, lots of love.

Becka xx

Friday, 27 May 2011

Thank you Xxxxx

Hello Everybody,

It was my Daddy's birthday yesterday and I was so busy helping Mummy wrap pressies for Daddy that I didn't get a chance to wish him a Happy Birthday on here.  But I would like to say thank you to all the peoples that sent Daddy cards and gifts, because it made him very happy and when he is happy I get extra tummy rubs and cuddles.

Freddy came to play yesterday too although he couldn't help with wrapping pressies because he was busy writing a card for Daddy, he writes very well for a puppy!

Must go now there is all the wrapping paper to clear up, being three and all growed up is not all its cracked up to be sometimes.

Write soon lots of love Becka.Xxx

Monday, 23 May 2011

No Cheese, but Bacon and a Bone instead !

Hi everybody,

I promised I'd let you know what treats I got for my birthday, you may remember I was hoping for Cheese ones.  Well no cheese I'm afraid, but Daddy buyed me some Bacon sizzlers which were very yummy and Mummy buyed me a big roast bone which was very very yummy.  I eat nearly all of the bone in one go and had to fight off Freddie the Terrorist for the bit I'd saved for later, he is such a little thief, especially where food is concerned.

I had a great birthday lots of treats and walkies and tummy rubs, I like treats and tummy rubs best, although I do meet some interesting doggies when I'm out for walkies. We started daddy's birthday off on the weekend and Nanny and Barrie pebbles came up for the day, Nat Nat, Gregg, Caroline and Anthony (and Freddie) all came over as well and we had a Barbecue in the garden.  The little dogie that lives in the garden at the end of my garden came in to play as well although his Mummy came around very quickly and took him home, which was a shame because he was good fun.

Nanny and Barrie pebbles had been to France for a holiday with my friend Mattie's Mummy and Daddy, so they were very brown, almost my colouring, they look good with the Dogie brown colour.  We all had a nice time and plenty to eat, I had to go and lie down in the front room and rest you see I'm getting a bit too old to play puppy games all day, especially after a big walkies in the morning.  I'm three now you know.

We have a strange wood thing in the garden now which Daddy built on Saturday I'll get you a picture of it see if you can tell what it is.

Write soon, lots of love Becka

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Its My BIRTHDAY again !!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone,

Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday dear me, Happy Birthday to me.
I'm three today, Mummy and Daddy sang this little song to me this morning and I had biscuits in bed and lots of extra tummy rubs, even more than I usually get and I usually get a lot.

I can't wait for the tonight to come, because Mummy and Daddy said I get my birthday presents tonight and it might involve cheese, mmmmmmmm I love cheese. Mummy and Daddy may have some cheesy treats for me. Now if I remember correctly from last year Daddy's birthday is just after mine and he is very old, much older than me, although three is quite a big number. You wait until I see Freddie the Terrorist next time, he is still a very young puppy he's not even one yet and I am three so he will have to be nice to me or I might not  play with him.

I'll let you know what my presents are next time.

We all went to see Nanny and Granddad sand on the weekend so that Mummy and Daddy could go to Charlottes birthday party, Charlotte is Oliver’s Mummy, you remember Oliver, he is the little person who read me a story so I could go sleepies, you see he gets stories before he goes to sleepies. How sweet is that no one has ever read me a story before.

Anyway I didn't see Oliver until Sunday morning and neither of us was sleepy so no story this time, but I did have a lovely time on the beach playing with some new friends and I got to sleep in Mummy and Daddy's bedroom, not sure about that though, there was a terrible noise most of the night, it sounded like when Daddy is cutting up wood with that chainsaw thing, boy it was loud.  Mummy said it was Daddy making the noise, but I know it was Mummy, because I prodded her with  my nose and she stopped for a while.

I have to go now as Daddy promised me a big walkies tonight so I had better rest up so I'm ready for it.

Write soon, lots of love Becka xxx

Monday, 9 May 2011

How big was that Doggie!

Hello Everybody,

Life has been pretty quiet lately, Daddy and Greg brought in one of those sick making machines and laid lots of the grey sickly stuff in the garden, I managed to get a quick look at it while they were doing it and boy did I get shouted at for walking on it, well more like paddling through it really.  Then I had to have my paws washed because the grey sickly stuff which I think Daddy called Concrete? would have burned my paws.  I didn't like having my paws washed very much so I didn't go on the grey stuff again until it was all hard and dry.

We have been looking after Freddie the terrorist for the past few weekends, which for a couple of days is great fun, he is so full of energy that he wears me out, you see its my birthday later this month and I will be three so I'm all growed up.  Freddie is still a puppy so he loves to play all the time, we went for a long walk in the woods the weekend before last and I wondered off outside the fence at the far side of the woods, which is where I met the biggest doggie in the world.  This doggie was so big its Daddy was sitting on its back and holding its leads (it had to have two leads it was so big) one in each hand.  I was a bit frightened of the big doggie and its Daddy because he started to shout at me to go away, so when my Mummy and Daddy called me to come away I run back so fast that I knocked Freddie over, not that he seemed to care as he gets knocked over regularly in the garden.

Daddy said the giant doggie was a breed called horse, I am going to tell my mate Boris about the horse doggie because he is the biggest doggie I know and the horse doggie was much bigger than him.  perhaps he has met these giant horse doggies as well.

I'll write again soon, love

Becka xx

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

OK I give up!

Hiya everybody,

I give up.  I've looked everywhere and I can't find the Married, the only place Mummy and Daddy could be hiding it, is up the stair things to the new top bit, where they go at night now.  But I'm not allowed up there so I can't be sure that's not where it is.  It's a bit like the Engaged do you remember that they got it before the married, I never found that either and we didn't have a top bit up the stair things then.  Mummy and Daddy must be very clever at hiding things because I've looked all over the house, in the garden, the garages and the shed and I just can't find it.

It's a shame really because it makes Mummy and Daddy very happy and if I knew where it was I could get it out for them the next time they are sad (or the next time I do something wrong!).  Still never mind they are very happy at the mmoment and that's always good.  We went to see Nanny and Grandad sand last weekend and I played on the beach a lot and a little bit in the water, which is very cold.  I would have brought back some pictures but Daddy forgot the camera.

Anyway got to go now because Uncle Danny is coming round tonight to talk to Mummy and Daddy about the kitchen and I need to make sure I have cleared up in there after looking for the Married.

Write soon, lots of love

Becka xx

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Nothing Yet !

Hiya everyone,

I've spent the last two days searching for the married and I haven't found anything that I don't recognise.  I'm not about to give up though it's got to be here somewhere.  While I was looking, I did discover Mummy and Daddy were away on their Honeymoon, this is something to do with the married, but I'm not sure what.  Anyway getting back to the Honeymoon, I found this picture of where they went, somewhere called Barbados.

Now apart from running on the beach and playing with other doggies on the sand at Nanny and Grandad sands house I don't see the sand very often and I have to say it doesn't look a lot like this in Margate, I think even I would like to play in that water, isn't it a pretty colour blue.

It was while Mummy and Daddy were in Barbados that Daddy went to see the doggies that live in the sea, these are called turtles, they live in the water and have very short legs (a bit like Freddie the Terrorist) and very hard smooth coats which are called shells.  Apart from that, they are just like real doggies, they come for food and treat's and like to play with the people in the water, they even let the peoples stroke their backs as long as they are not rough.  If the peoples in the water with them are too rough then they can nip them, I'm not sure about that bit because every time me and Freddie nip anyone (him more than me of course, I'm very gentle) we get shouted at so I'm not sure that that bit is true.

This is one of the turtles that Daddy played with in the pretty blue water, doesn't it have lovely markings on its shell fur.  Daddy took the photograph while the turtle was swimming underneath him.

There are lots more photographs to come, but I've just thought of somewhere the married might be hiding, so I'm off to have a look.

Write soon, love Becka xx

Monday, 4 April 2011

I Can't find it! where is the married

Hello everybody,

Well their back, first I went to stay with Millie and her Mummy and Daddy for a few days, which was great fun, but I disgraced myself again.  Millie's Mummy and Daddy kept the chickens away from me for the time I was there, so no problem with chasing them, but, in a moment of weakness, I had a little nibble of the wall alongside Millie's bed.  I don't know what came over me, but I want to say I'm really sorry.  The whole family made me me so welcome, Millie gave up her bed for me and everything.  I had lots of cuddles, tummy rubs and walkies and everything you could want Hannah was really nice to me even Tom didnt complain when I sat alongside him lent on his legs and put my head in his lap then I went and let myself down, I feel so ashamed.

Anyway Nat Nat and Greg collected me and we all went home with Freddie the terrorist where Freddie terrorised me for the next ten days which was great fun, we played eat the puppy in the garden and tug of war in the lounge.  He is really getting strong, I had to put two paws on him to hold him still more than once.  When Mummy and Daddy came home after getting married, they looked very brown but I couldn't see the married.  Having slept off the exertions of having to look after the terrorist I've had a quiet poke around the house (difficult to be any more thorough, because I haven't been left alone for any length of time) but I still can't find the married.

Mummy and Daddy go back to work tomorrow, so I am going to have a real good look to find the married, whatever it is it seems to have a great effect on them because they and everybody else seem to be really happy. Very much like when they got the engaged but even more so, I never really got to the bottom of the engaged, but I am determined to find the married.

I'll get back to you once I've had a good look around the house, perhaps its on order and is going to be delivered later.  I do have a piece of advice to all you doggies out there, if your Mummy and Daddy don't have a married yet, encourage them to get one, it seems to make them and everyone around them very happy which results in extra tummy rubs, treats and cuddles.

I will have some pictures next time I write, as I understand that Mummy and Daddy met some Turtles while they were away, from what I understand Turtles are like short legged doggies with hard fur (called a shell) that live in the sea, I can't imagine why any self respecting doggie would want to live in the sea, but apparently they do.

Write soon.

Lots of love, Becka. XX

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

No Chickens!

Hiya People,

Well Mummy had her Hen night last weekend, Daddy took me to see Grandad sand on the Saturday and we went home on the Sunday, we had a lovely time on the beach on both days I made some new friends, but I had forgotten how difficult it is to run on that sand stuff, boy was I tired at the end of it.

Anyway Daddy and me went home on the Sunday and I bounded in the front door looking for Chickens, but no all I found was Freddie the Terrorist, apparently Gregg had dropped in in a few moments earlier so he could go and do the shopping while Nat Nat recovered from the hen party, she was tired too.  I know how she feels chasing hens must be like chasing chickens and they can run very fast!

I went into the garden with Freddie and Daddy and while he put the bird food out I played eat the puppy Freddie is not keen on this game, neither is Mummy and Daddy, but I love it.  To be fair Freddie is a pretty game boy, he keeps coming back for more, he does squeak a bit though when I jump on him.  Despite scouring the garden we don't have chickens, so what is this hen night thing all about?  As usual I'm a bit confused.

Anyway the Married has still not arrived, but it must be happening soon, its all very exciting!

Love Becka x

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

I thought January was busy !!!!!!!!

Hi Everybody!
Sorry it's been so long, but I've been so busy keeping Mummy and Daddy sensible. You see I've discovered that as a result of them getting an engaged they then get to get a Married as well, which is happening later this month. This is taking an awful lot of organising with Mummy and Daddy spending hours with bits of paper and lists arranging who is coming, where they will all sit and what they are all going to eat.

I have helped where I can but apart from trying to keep Mummy and Daddy sane there is not a lot more I could do, you see they don't know I can use the computer, otherwise I'd be running the spread sheets for them! One major benefit of Mummy and Daddy getting the Married is that we have had lots of visitors Roger and Rosie have been over for dinner and Paul and Gill have been in for drinkies, now both of these couples make a huge fuss of me so they are always welcome.

Last weekend Freddy the terrorist came over for the weekend I've got some pictures which I will add soon, but we had a nice time, we went on lots of long walks and had lots of nice treats. We even managed to wear Freddy out for most of the day on Saturday and Sunday, so he slept most of the day, which was lucky, as Daddy wanted to watch the Rugby. I've learnt it's best to keep out of the way when Daddy is watching the Rugby.

Now this Mummy and Daddy getting a Married thing, I've been listening to their conversations and I've asked some of my doggie friends and it sort of runs on from getting an engaged, which they did a little while ago. As I understand it they will be together forever once they get the Married thing, which is strange as I don't remember a time when they weren’t together and that’s a very long time cos I'm 3 this year. I hope I like the Married when they bring it home I never really met the Engaged so I'm going to make a point of finding and introducing myself to the Married.

I'll let you know what it's like, apparently I'm going to see Millie when Mummy and Daddy go to get the Married so that will be fun, she has got those chicken things in the garden, perhaps we are getting chickens, I heard Mummy talking about her 'Hen' night and hens are sort of chicken things aren't they. Anyway, we must be, because when I last saw Millies chickens I disgraced myself by chasing one down the garden (and catching it!) so Daddy is taking me to see Granddad sand when Mummy has the hens in for the evening, presumably so I can't chase them.

Well I have to go now I'll post some photographs soon and I'll let you know how I get on with the Married when it arrives.

Lots of love, Becka Xxxx

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Whew what a busy month!

Hi everybody,

Its been so busy here I haven't had a moment to myself to get on the computer, so although its a bit late Happy New Year to all my readers and a Happy 70th birthday to Nanny Pebbles.  That's one of the reasons why its been so busy, for Nanny Pebbles birthday all of her family went away to a big house on Exmoor for the weekend.  Nanny and Grandad Sand came up to look after me and Freddie the terrorist came to stay as well.

Anyway more of that later, but I promised to update you on my investigations into the big fat man in the red suit, that comes down the chimney and delivers presents at Christmas.  Well he is not only very quick but he must be fire proof as well! you see we now have two chimney things over the holes in the walls where Daddy makes fire and the one in the lounge had a fire in it, so this is me guarding (well watching actually) the other wall hole and chimney in the dining room on Christmas Eve waiting to see the fat man.

You notice this bed is cleverly located in front of the radiator, I like my creature comforts.  Well I was patiently watching the hole in the wall, all evening, waiting to see if this 'Father Christmas' bloke appeared , when, eventually, everyone slowly drifted off to bed and I moved back to my sleepies bed in the lounge (where the fire was in the hole in the wall).  Now when I left the lounge, before Jake, Daddies grandson, went to bed the lounge looked just as it should, the tree was in the corner all lit up and decorated the furniture and the space behind the big sofa was empty.

When I went back into the lounge the space behind the big sofa was now full of pressies, all piled up out of sight, look! 

There was pressies of all sizes, colours and shapes loads and loads of them, even some for me I found out later, but how did they get there? the big fat man in the red suit must have come down the lounge chimney because he certainly didn't come down the one in the dining room I would have seen him.  You wait until next year I have a plan to catch him out, me and Freddie the terrorist can guard a chimney each, we will find him.

Anyway we all had a wonderful Christmas with Jake, Russell, Caroline and Anthony then Nat Nat and Gregg came over later and the party went on until quite late, Freddie and me went to bed and left them to it.  I'll write again soon and tell you about my New year with Nanny and Barrie Pebbles, while Mummy and Daddy went to Cardiff.

Must go now its time for my morning snooze, all this typing is had work with paws you know.

Lots of love Becka.  X