Monday, 9 May 2011

How big was that Doggie!

Hello Everybody,

Life has been pretty quiet lately, Daddy and Greg brought in one of those sick making machines and laid lots of the grey sickly stuff in the garden, I managed to get a quick look at it while they were doing it and boy did I get shouted at for walking on it, well more like paddling through it really.  Then I had to have my paws washed because the grey sickly stuff which I think Daddy called Concrete? would have burned my paws.  I didn't like having my paws washed very much so I didn't go on the grey stuff again until it was all hard and dry.

We have been looking after Freddie the terrorist for the past few weekends, which for a couple of days is great fun, he is so full of energy that he wears me out, you see its my birthday later this month and I will be three so I'm all growed up.  Freddie is still a puppy so he loves to play all the time, we went for a long walk in the woods the weekend before last and I wondered off outside the fence at the far side of the woods, which is where I met the biggest doggie in the world.  This doggie was so big its Daddy was sitting on its back and holding its leads (it had to have two leads it was so big) one in each hand.  I was a bit frightened of the big doggie and its Daddy because he started to shout at me to go away, so when my Mummy and Daddy called me to come away I run back so fast that I knocked Freddie over, not that he seemed to care as he gets knocked over regularly in the garden.

Daddy said the giant doggie was a breed called horse, I am going to tell my mate Boris about the horse doggie because he is the biggest doggie I know and the horse doggie was much bigger than him.  perhaps he has met these giant horse doggies as well.

I'll write again soon, love

Becka xx

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