Wednesday, 2 March 2011

I thought January was busy !!!!!!!!

Hi Everybody!
Sorry it's been so long, but I've been so busy keeping Mummy and Daddy sensible. You see I've discovered that as a result of them getting an engaged they then get to get a Married as well, which is happening later this month. This is taking an awful lot of organising with Mummy and Daddy spending hours with bits of paper and lists arranging who is coming, where they will all sit and what they are all going to eat.

I have helped where I can but apart from trying to keep Mummy and Daddy sane there is not a lot more I could do, you see they don't know I can use the computer, otherwise I'd be running the spread sheets for them! One major benefit of Mummy and Daddy getting the Married is that we have had lots of visitors Roger and Rosie have been over for dinner and Paul and Gill have been in for drinkies, now both of these couples make a huge fuss of me so they are always welcome.

Last weekend Freddy the terrorist came over for the weekend I've got some pictures which I will add soon, but we had a nice time, we went on lots of long walks and had lots of nice treats. We even managed to wear Freddy out for most of the day on Saturday and Sunday, so he slept most of the day, which was lucky, as Daddy wanted to watch the Rugby. I've learnt it's best to keep out of the way when Daddy is watching the Rugby.

Now this Mummy and Daddy getting a Married thing, I've been listening to their conversations and I've asked some of my doggie friends and it sort of runs on from getting an engaged, which they did a little while ago. As I understand it they will be together forever once they get the Married thing, which is strange as I don't remember a time when they weren’t together and that’s a very long time cos I'm 3 this year. I hope I like the Married when they bring it home I never really met the Engaged so I'm going to make a point of finding and introducing myself to the Married.

I'll let you know what it's like, apparently I'm going to see Millie when Mummy and Daddy go to get the Married so that will be fun, she has got those chicken things in the garden, perhaps we are getting chickens, I heard Mummy talking about her 'Hen' night and hens are sort of chicken things aren't they. Anyway, we must be, because when I last saw Millies chickens I disgraced myself by chasing one down the garden (and catching it!) so Daddy is taking me to see Granddad sand when Mummy has the hens in for the evening, presumably so I can't chase them.

Well I have to go now I'll post some photographs soon and I'll let you know how I get on with the Married when it arrives.

Lots of love, Becka Xxxx

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