Wednesday 25 July 2012

He's one today

Hello everybody,

Barney has his first birthday today, we had Freddie the terrorist over yesterday so they could play in the garden during the afternoon, they were both very tired by the time he went home.  Barney is one today, I'm four you know, very grown up!.  Mummy and Daddy said we are having a tea party tonight with jelly and special dogie cakes and if you look closely at the pictures below you can see that Mummy and Daddy got Barney a new collar for his birthday, very smart (even though it's not pink like mine)

Apparently, the collar is a Zebra print, whats a Zebra! is that like a black and white stripy dogie? anyway, Happy Birthday Barney, we are going to have a nice party tonight!  Lots of love Becka Xxx