Friday, 27 May 2011

Thank you Xxxxx

Hello Everybody,

It was my Daddy's birthday yesterday and I was so busy helping Mummy wrap pressies for Daddy that I didn't get a chance to wish him a Happy Birthday on here.  But I would like to say thank you to all the peoples that sent Daddy cards and gifts, because it made him very happy and when he is happy I get extra tummy rubs and cuddles.

Freddy came to play yesterday too although he couldn't help with wrapping pressies because he was busy writing a card for Daddy, he writes very well for a puppy!

Must go now there is all the wrapping paper to clear up, being three and all growed up is not all its cracked up to be sometimes.

Write soon lots of love Becka.Xxx

Monday, 23 May 2011

No Cheese, but Bacon and a Bone instead !

Hi everybody,

I promised I'd let you know what treats I got for my birthday, you may remember I was hoping for Cheese ones.  Well no cheese I'm afraid, but Daddy buyed me some Bacon sizzlers which were very yummy and Mummy buyed me a big roast bone which was very very yummy.  I eat nearly all of the bone in one go and had to fight off Freddie the Terrorist for the bit I'd saved for later, he is such a little thief, especially where food is concerned.

I had a great birthday lots of treats and walkies and tummy rubs, I like treats and tummy rubs best, although I do meet some interesting doggies when I'm out for walkies. We started daddy's birthday off on the weekend and Nanny and Barrie pebbles came up for the day, Nat Nat, Gregg, Caroline and Anthony (and Freddie) all came over as well and we had a Barbecue in the garden.  The little dogie that lives in the garden at the end of my garden came in to play as well although his Mummy came around very quickly and took him home, which was a shame because he was good fun.

Nanny and Barrie pebbles had been to France for a holiday with my friend Mattie's Mummy and Daddy, so they were very brown, almost my colouring, they look good with the Dogie brown colour.  We all had a nice time and plenty to eat, I had to go and lie down in the front room and rest you see I'm getting a bit too old to play puppy games all day, especially after a big walkies in the morning.  I'm three now you know.

We have a strange wood thing in the garden now which Daddy built on Saturday I'll get you a picture of it see if you can tell what it is.

Write soon, lots of love Becka

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Its My BIRTHDAY again !!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone,

Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday dear me, Happy Birthday to me.
I'm three today, Mummy and Daddy sang this little song to me this morning and I had biscuits in bed and lots of extra tummy rubs, even more than I usually get and I usually get a lot.

I can't wait for the tonight to come, because Mummy and Daddy said I get my birthday presents tonight and it might involve cheese, mmmmmmmm I love cheese. Mummy and Daddy may have some cheesy treats for me. Now if I remember correctly from last year Daddy's birthday is just after mine and he is very old, much older than me, although three is quite a big number. You wait until I see Freddie the Terrorist next time, he is still a very young puppy he's not even one yet and I am three so he will have to be nice to me or I might not  play with him.

I'll let you know what my presents are next time.

We all went to see Nanny and Granddad sand on the weekend so that Mummy and Daddy could go to Charlottes birthday party, Charlotte is Oliver’s Mummy, you remember Oliver, he is the little person who read me a story so I could go sleepies, you see he gets stories before he goes to sleepies. How sweet is that no one has ever read me a story before.

Anyway I didn't see Oliver until Sunday morning and neither of us was sleepy so no story this time, but I did have a lovely time on the beach playing with some new friends and I got to sleep in Mummy and Daddy's bedroom, not sure about that though, there was a terrible noise most of the night, it sounded like when Daddy is cutting up wood with that chainsaw thing, boy it was loud.  Mummy said it was Daddy making the noise, but I know it was Mummy, because I prodded her with  my nose and she stopped for a while.

I have to go now as Daddy promised me a big walkies tonight so I had better rest up so I'm ready for it.

Write soon, lots of love Becka xxx

Monday, 9 May 2011

How big was that Doggie!

Hello Everybody,

Life has been pretty quiet lately, Daddy and Greg brought in one of those sick making machines and laid lots of the grey sickly stuff in the garden, I managed to get a quick look at it while they were doing it and boy did I get shouted at for walking on it, well more like paddling through it really.  Then I had to have my paws washed because the grey sickly stuff which I think Daddy called Concrete? would have burned my paws.  I didn't like having my paws washed very much so I didn't go on the grey stuff again until it was all hard and dry.

We have been looking after Freddie the terrorist for the past few weekends, which for a couple of days is great fun, he is so full of energy that he wears me out, you see its my birthday later this month and I will be three so I'm all growed up.  Freddie is still a puppy so he loves to play all the time, we went for a long walk in the woods the weekend before last and I wondered off outside the fence at the far side of the woods, which is where I met the biggest doggie in the world.  This doggie was so big its Daddy was sitting on its back and holding its leads (it had to have two leads it was so big) one in each hand.  I was a bit frightened of the big doggie and its Daddy because he started to shout at me to go away, so when my Mummy and Daddy called me to come away I run back so fast that I knocked Freddie over, not that he seemed to care as he gets knocked over regularly in the garden.

Daddy said the giant doggie was a breed called horse, I am going to tell my mate Boris about the horse doggie because he is the biggest doggie I know and the horse doggie was much bigger than him.  perhaps he has met these giant horse doggies as well.

I'll write again soon, love

Becka xx