Hi Everyone,
Do you remember last

time I told you that the builder men had been making changes inside the house as well as outside, in the garden, well I'm confused again. The picture on the left is Mummy and Daddy's bedroom before the builders got into it, now remember I'm not even supposed to go into the bedrooms because I make a mess, so how do the builders get away with this! They have taken away all the big cupboard things, all the curtains and even the window. I liked the big cupboard things, they had pictures of doggies just like me on them, really clever pictures, they used to move and follow you when you watched them, I used to sneak into the bedroom and watch them moving just like I did, good looking doggie too!
Anyway have a look at the picture below and you will see what I mean about taking away all the bedroom things. I don't understand why Mummy and Daddy wanted to take all the nice bits away, even the soft furry floor has gone and we just have this hard wooden block floor now, I don't go in there as much now it's just not as comfy as it was.

If you think this is strange, the next picture is the little room (we used to have it full of boxes and things) but these have

had to move into the lounge, its a bit cramped in there now only just enough room for me to stretch out and only then if Mummy and Daddy move their feet out of the way, they always do though! Anyway, I digress, as you can see the little room was ok, it had a warm fuzzy floor, curtains and a top, well as you will see from the last picture, that's all changed too.
You see in this picture that the curtains have gone, the warm fuzzy floor has gone and the top has gone! We now have a staircase going nowhere and no top on the room, there is also quite a big hole in

the wall above the window, alth
ough you can't really see it in this picture, the camera doesn't do wide angle, or if it does my paws can't hold down enough buttons, sorry about this. But my question is why do Mummy and Daddy want a staircase to nowhere? and why is there a big hole in the wall when they have just blocked up the window hole in the bedroom next door.
When I find out, I'll let you know, but not for the first time I'm confused!
Write soon, lots of love
Becka. x
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