Hi Everyone,
Its been a bit busy here with all these building works going on, but in between all of the excitement that has caused we have been getting out and about a bit too. We went to see Nanny and Grandad sand twice and I had two lovely walks on the beach, it was very cold the first time, but the week after it was lovely.
Last weekend we went to see Millie my little chocolate Labrador friend, she was the first doggie I met when Mummy and Daddy brought me home and she comes to stay in the summer when her family go on holiday. Millie lives with her Mummy and Daddy and brother and sister, Tom and Hannah in a nice house in the country.
In her garden, Millie has two chickens Trinny and Susanna, now I've never met chickens in the open before, I met some in Boris's garden but they were in a house. These two were in the back garden roaming around, well Millie took me over to introduce me and I'm afraid I disgraced myself, you see they ran off flapping and clucking and well, it was all too much to resist really. You see I chase birds in my back garden and when I'm off the lead in the field and woods, but they always fly away. Chickens just run and flap but don't seem to take off so when I caught up with Susanna, instinct took over and I grabbed her.
Seems that catching chickens is not allowed, Daddy shouted at me so loud, I dropped Susanna in shock and she ran away through the fence, I did my best to look nonchalant and innocent, but its very difficult when you have mouth full of feathers, some of which are sticking out of both sides. Well Millie's Mummy and sister had to go into next doors garden to get the chicken back, then they locked her in her house, so no more playing with the chickens for me! Millie's Daddy my Daddy Millie and me went for a long walk over the fields in the afternoon and having been playing with Millie in the wet and mud and the rain, I was really too tired to chase chickens, but we had a really nice time.
Daddy tells me the chicken in going to be fine and that I mustn't do that again or Millie won't be allow to come and stay in the summer. I hope the chicken is OK as I like playing with Millie.
Write soon, lots of love
Becka X
Monday, 29 March 2010
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Staircase to Nowhere!
Hi Everyone,
Do you remember last
time I told you that the builder men had been making changes inside the house as well as outside, in the garden, well I'm confused again. The picture on the left is Mummy and Daddy's bedroom before the builders got into it, now remember I'm not even supposed to go into the bedrooms because I make a mess, so how do the builders get away with this! They have taken away all the big cupboard things, all the curtains and even the window. I liked the big cupboard things, they had pictures of doggies just like me on them, really clever pictures, they used to move and follow you when you watched them, I used to sneak into the bedroom and watch them moving just like I did, good looking doggie too!
Anyway have a look at the picture below and you will see what I mean about taking away all the bedroom things. I don't understand why Mummy and Daddy wanted to take all the nice bits away, even the soft furry floor has gone and we just have this hard wooden block floor now, I don't go in there as much now it's just not as comfy as it was.

If you think this is strange, the next picture is the little room (we used to have it full of boxes and things) but these have
had to move into the lounge, its a bit cramped in there now only just enough room for me to stretch out and only then if Mummy and Daddy move their feet out of the way, they always do though! Anyway, I digress, as you can see the little room was ok, it had a warm fuzzy floor, curtains and a top, well as you will see from the last picture, that's all changed too.
You see in this picture that the curtains have gone, the warm fuzzy floor has gone and the top has gone! We now have a staircase going nowhere and no top on the room, there is also quite a big hole in
the wall above the window, although you can't really see it in this picture, the camera doesn't do wide angle, or if it does my paws can't hold down enough buttons, sorry about this. But my question is why do Mummy and Daddy want a staircase to nowhere? and why is there a big hole in the wall when they have just blocked up the window hole in the bedroom next door.
When I find out, I'll let you know, but not for the first time I'm confused!
Write soon, lots of love
Becka. x
Do you remember last

Anyway have a look at the picture below and you will see what I mean about taking away all the bedroom things. I don't understand why Mummy and Daddy wanted to take all the nice bits away, even the soft furry floor has gone and we just have this hard wooden block floor now, I don't go in there as much now it's just not as comfy as it was.

If you think this is strange, the next picture is the little room (we used to have it full of boxes and things) but these have

You see in this picture that the curtains have gone, the warm fuzzy floor has gone and the top has gone! We now have a staircase going nowhere and no top on the room, there is also quite a big hole in

When I find out, I'll let you know, but not for the first time I'm confused!
Write soon, lots of love
Becka. x
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Not Aliens, but Builders!
Hello everyone,
I couldn't stand the worry of the Aliens abducting Mummy and Daddy so I talked to Daddy about the aliens in the garden. It seems that they are not aliens, but builders, I had the usual problem with this, whats a builder? I've never met one of these before either. It seems that builders, come to your house and build things, all fairly straight forward really, it is a little bit more complicated than that but that's what I understand it to be.
So what are the builders building, it seems we are having a whole new room and Mummy and Daddy are having an u
upstairs bedroom and bathroom over the top. Daddy says that unless I'm good I am going to have this room, which is underneath the new room, for me to sleepies in. Which is okay by me as its huge and as time has gone on its full of all sorts of interesting things to play with. Might be a bit cold though, I don't think Daddy means it.
The builders have had dry weather for a week or so now and have leaped ahead with the building, you can see in the next picture how high the floor of the new room is go
ing to be, the space underneath is plenty high enough for me to run around in. It seems that the gap in the wall is for doors, so I can get out into my garden to play, with a bit of luck the builders might leave some of the powdered food that they feed the orange sick making machine, that's great fun to snuffle around in.
If you have a look at the next picture they have gone even higher now and it seems they are going to keep going up, I'm quite glad I'm not allowed up stairs it must be very scary up there! all that way down, much too far for me to jump. You can see they have had to build up the gantry thing even higher now. Daddy was up their with Danny last week, seems he is the cheif builder not the head alien. Mummy went up
later on her own, she is very brave!
The builders have been making changes in the house as well as outside, I'll tell you about that later, I'm so relieved that Mummy and Daddy are safe, although having aliens in the garden was quite exciting.
Love to you all, Becka xxx
I couldn't stand the worry of the Aliens abducting Mummy and Daddy so I talked to Daddy about the aliens in the garden. It seems that they are not aliens, but builders, I had the usual problem with this, whats a builder? I've never met one of these before either. It seems that builders, come to your house and build things, all fairly straight forward really, it is a little bit more complicated than that but that's what I understand it to be.
So what are the builders building, it seems we are having a whole new room and Mummy and Daddy are having an u

The builders have had dry weather for a week or so now and have leaped ahead with the building, you can see in the next picture how high the floor of the new room is go

If you have a look at the next picture they have gone even higher now and it seems they are going to keep going up, I'm quite glad I'm not allowed up stairs it must be very scary up there! all that way down, much too far for me to jump. You can see they have had to build up the gantry thing even higher now. Daddy was up their with Danny last week, seems he is the cheif builder not the head alien. Mummy went up

The builders have been making changes in the house as well as outside, I'll tell you about that later, I'm so relieved that Mummy and Daddy are safe, although having aliens in the garden was quite exciting.
Love to you all, Becka xxx
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