Hi everyone,
Some one stole my garden.
Some one stole my garden.
A week ago it looked like this, just as I remember it, see that's me in the foreground. You see the garden, bird bath, rose bed, steps lots of things to run around, play on and jump off of. Then the men in yellow coats arrived they made lots of noise knocked the wall down at the front and brought in a big metal monster with a long arm on the front of it. It wasn't a car as it didn't have wheels, it had sort of long track type feet.
The monster dug lots of holes in my garden and the men in the yellow coats ran up and down to the front with my garden in big wheeled things, by the time I was allowed back out into the garden, it was gone. it now looks like this.

I don't know if you can see it very well, but there is a big hole in the second picture which the boss yellow coat man, who I've since discovered is called Danny and is really nice (he gives me biscuits) was worried that I might fall into. No need to worry though I'm way to bright to make that mistake, unfortunately, Daddy wasn't and he fell into it in the first night. Must have hurt because he didn't shout a lot, just groaned and took a long time to stand up and climb out.
I took him for a walk the next morning though and he seemed alright. Actually the next morning most of the stolen garden was outside the front of the house, but its gone now, so if any of you are approached by the men in yellow coats trying to sell you a garden, let me know because its ours.
I'll keep you posted as to whats going on because they haven't stopped at stealing the garden, half the courtyard outside the kitchen has gone too. I've got the photographs, but Mummy hasn't uploaded them from the camera yet, not sure what that means, but that's what Daddy said.
Watch this space for updates, love Becka. xxx
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