Hi Every one,
Just a quick note to tell you about out trip to Suffolk a couple of weekends ago, Mummy Daddy and me all packed into the car and went away to a house we had never been to before in Suffolk, I don't know what a Suffolk is, but it was a very long way away, it took ages to get there. Actually I'm not sure how long it took because I was sleepies most of the time, but it was very dark when we arrived at the house.
The new house seemed quite nice, but the garden wasn't as big as mine and it was very cold in the house when we arrived. But about an hour after we arrived Sharron, Gary and Boris arrived Great, me and Boris went out into the garden to play my jaws are bigger than yours, we like this game it involves a lot of pushing and shoving and rolling over each other. The only problem was the lawn quickly turned into a mud bath and we got very dirty. Mummy Daddy Sharron and Gary were not terribly happy when we eventually came in and made all the kitchen and entrance area really dirty. They don't seem to understand that we are doggies its part of what we do.
When we went to bed that night, Boris and I carried on playing in the kitchen which was very unpopular and caused Gary a very sleepless night he came down several times and scolded us for being too noisy, were doggies, we do noisy as well as dirty! Anyway we decided to play a bit quieter which involved eating the edge of one of the panels on the kitchen door. Now as you know I do this regularly at home, but for some reason this was different and Boy did we get into trouble for it when every one came down from upstairs.
We went for a very long walk in the morning and practiced more ditch jumping I'm getting quite good at this now, we saw hares (not worth chasing those they are way too quick) a 'little owl' and lots of pheasants, one of which took off from a bush right next to me, scared me a lot so I stayed close to Boris after that. Ditch jumping was such fun even Mummy and Sharron tried it, neither of them were very good at it more ditch stepping really with Daddy in the ditch holding their hands and Gary on the other side catching them. Sharron didn't like it but Mummy cried. Daddy made a big fuss of her and said she was very brave.
We went through a 'Ford' which is a river running over the road, now remember I was staying close to Boris at this stage, on account of being frightened by the big bird, well this was one of those times when staying close to the big dog was a mistake, you see in all that water I couldn't see the ditch on the side of the road and suddenly fell into a hole where Boris right next to me was stood on firm ground. Now I don't like water a great deal and this was freezing, but after I had climbed out and shaken off most of the water Daddy made a big fuss of me and told me I was very brave as well.
We went to the beach in the afternoon and Mummy and Daddy saw a Barn Owl hunting in a field right next to the car, I was sleepies again by this time in the back of the car With a big walks in the morning and the beach in the afternoon, actually two beaches a pier (which came with a bag of chips yum) and a walk around a town, by the time we got back to the new house and Daddy lit the fire all Boris and I wanted to do was sleep. That evening and the next morning, Daddy waved a magic wand over the damage to the door (actually he waved some filler, sand paper and stain that they had bought in the morning, over it, but we all humoured him about the magic wand) and to be fair all the teeth and claw marks disappeared.

This is me and Boris next to the door in question, you wouldn't believe that we would be naughty would you, we had another long walk the next morning, but then we had to pack up and go, Mummy Daddy Sharron and Gary cleaned the house as if was their own and we packed up the cars and headed off home. A nice policeman took a lovely photograph of Daddy in the car on the way home, but Daddy didn't seem very pleased about it, they sent it to him and asked for his autograph and everything but he didn't seem very impressed, I'm confused again!
Next time I will explain why ditch jumping became very important. Write soon!
Love Becka. xxxx