Thursday, 5 September 2013

Swimming Brrrrrrrrrrrrr

Hiya Everybody,

A couple of weeks ago me and Barney went to see Nanny and Barrie Pebbles for the weekend and on the Saturday Fred Pup came with his mummy and daddy too. Well we all went to the beach and as usual Fred Pup and Barney made this big thing about Swimming, off they went into the water chasing the ball, it was cold and raining and they wanted to get even wetter. Boys honestly! Regular readers will know that I don't lower myself to such pursuits, even chasing the ball in the field is only an occasional pleasure, but in the sea no surely not!

Well on the Monday the weather changed completely and it was really hot when we went to the beach, as before the two boys went straight in the water and this time, because it was so hot I must admit I was tempted, as you can see.

It really did look very inviting it was lovely and clear and when it lapped up to my paws it was really refreshing and the two boys seemed to having a good time.  Well now or never and no point in being tinid about it all or nothing I say, so I went for it.  Two big bounds and SPLASH I was in, have a look at these

This is all well and good, but I can't swim can I, well it apperars I can although the water may have felt nice on my paws, out here where there was no bottom it was freezing, I turned round, discovered my swimming paws and headed back to the bit where your paws meet the ground.

As soon as my paws met the ground I high tailed it out of there as quick as I could, I was wet and cold and evrybody was laughing at me.

That really is it for me tried it didn't like it not doing it again.  Once I got home Daddy dried me off with a towel and I went straight to bed and there I stayed until we went home back to my Bungalow.  A week later we went to see Nanny and Grandad sand, sure enough Barney was off in the water (there was humps with white frothy bits and moving hills in this water, very scarey!) but I stayed on the nice dry soft sand.

No more swimming for me, I can tell you.  Got to go now daddy is due home soon, love to every one

Becka X