Friday, 26 July 2013

Happy Birthday Barney

Hiya everybody,

It was Barney's birthday yesterday; he is now two years old. Just entering the terrible two's I can't wait! So far he's been the same as normal, if you can call him normal at all. Everything is his world is just so exciting all of the time, it’s like Daddy outs something in his food.

He had Fred Pup over last night for a sleep over party to celebrate his birthday, even Fred pup gets worn out by him and he's only young himself, mind you he has got tiny little legs and Barney is very quick of the mark. They play together all day long and all evening if Barney has anything to do with it. I stay out of it as much as I can, just sticking my nose in to keep the boys under control.

As you can see below they make a fine pair and have a really good time together.  See what I mean abut Fred Pup's little legs, bless him!

I however am so tired I have to take to my bed and ignore them whenever possibleand rest, not that I need much beauty sleep you understand.

Anyway Happy Birthday little Bro hope you had a nice day.  I love you really, most of the time.

Bye bye write soon, love to you all


Monday, 22 July 2013

I found the Married!

Hello everyone,

I've been keeping my head down at home because we have had another Married in the house, you remember a few years ago Mummy and Daddy got a Married, but they went away to get theirs, well this time Natalie and Gregg got married, but they did it from home.

Well I wasn't going to miss out on this opportunity, Me barney and Fred Pup have all been keeping watch to see if we could see when the Married arrived, we all missed it coming in, but I sneaked up stairs with the camera and took a photograph of it in Mummy and Daddies bedroom. I'm not allowed up there really so it was a big risk! (I was a little bit frightened to be honest. I won't be doing it again!). It is a big white thing that looked a bit scary really. What do you think?

When the day came to show everyone the married, Fred Pup, Barney and me were taken out by Daddy for a really long walk and when we got back there was lots of Girlies at home, all running around getting their hair done and painting colours on their faces. We were all banned from the lounge and every time the door was opened a chair and stuff was slid in the gap so we never got to see what was going on really, I did try but this was as close as I could get.

The boys were of no help at all they were in the garden playing for most of the morning, they just don't understand the girly stuff and how important it is, all they were interested in was fighting and chasing a ball. Where’s the fun in that!

Anyway although I couldn't see all that was going on, I did manage to get a quick photograph of Caroline doing Lacey's hair there was three girlies all dress in blue at the end but at this stage, apart from Caroline everyone still seemed to have their PJ's on almost like they had been to a sleep over.

Well as time went on Natalie disappeared up the stairs with Mummy where the big white thing was in the bedroom, and they were gone a long time, daddy was up there to for a little while,, probably wrestling with the white thing to try to control it, well they didn't do a very good job, because it eat Natalie, look the next time we all saw her she was completely covered with it. Although she looks very happy about the whole thing and she did look very pretty. Like I do when I get a new collar, only joking she looked even better than that. See what you think. I think she looks beautiful.

So there it is that a married, it’s all about the big white scary thing, and it makes people cry a little bit especially the Mummy's, although when Fred Pup tried to curl up on the back of the white thing and go sleepies that caused a few raised voices! But that’s a story for another day, for the moment we are still enjoying the Married.

Write soon, love ya!

Becka xx