Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Who's a pretty boy then!

Hiya Everybody,

Remember yesterday I told you that the fur ball was going to the pet parlour for a hair cut, well when he left this morning he looked like this, little thug that he is!

Then when he got back from the hair dressers he looked like this

I'm not sure he likes his new look a great deal, if I may say so it's a bit Gay!  I did tell him that when he came home, but now I've got to explain Gay to him, I'm not entirely sure how to go about that, but I'm sure once Daddy leaves us alone I can explain it to him.  I'm sure as soon as he can he will be in the first muddy puddle he can find, which is a shame because he smells really nice, actually I'm a little bit jealous.

See you all soon, lots of love Becka Xxx

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

New Door

Hiya everybody,

Since I last wrote we have had another door put on the front of the house, uncle Nicky and his Daddy came around a couple of weeks ago on a weekend and fitted it for us.  Doesn't it look nice, we have a lovely dry room outside the old front door now where we can wait for daddy to take off our leads and we can wipe our paws before coming into the house.  How good is that!

Mummy's and Daddy's think of everything don't they.

Barney is going to the hairdressers tomorrow, he doesn't know it yet but they are going to bath him and cut his hair so he looks a bit smarter than he normally does, he is such a scruffy little dog and typical bloke he doesn't care as long as he is having fun then he is happy.  Mind you what exactly is the fun chasing a ball, that every time you bring back Daddy just throws away again and Daddy throws it a long way (he even has a special stick to help him).  if anyone can tell me where the fun is in that I would be very interested to learn, actually that not really true, I don't really care its not for me that's for sure, i have daddy to fetch things for me not the other way around, really how demeaning is that.

I'll try to put a before and after picture of Barney's trip to the hairdressers tomorrow, did I tell you the last time we went to the doggie doctors he had his nails clipped, perhaps he is learning after all!

Write soon, love to all of you

Becka Xx

Ps i will have to get the main picture changed, although I like the one of mee peeping out of the door.