Thursday, 20 December 2012

Its Christmas again !

Hiya Everybody,

Its Christmas again, I'm not entirely sure what that is but it means there are lots of great smells around the house and we get new toys and treats and Mummy and Daddy stay home and take us for lots of walkies.  It also means we get lots of pretty lights around the house and trees to hold them up.

Now I'm a bit worried about Barney with the trees because when he sees these outside in the woods he often does a tripod act an wee wees on them.  I don't think Mummy and Daddy would be very impressed with that so I have been watching him.  Now he is still very young and he is getting a bit carried away with this Christmas thing, look he even uses his bone like a trumpet to make his bark louder (he only has a little bark)

Funny little thing isn't he!  Now Freddie the terrorist is getting a wee bit older and he is becoming almost calm, particularly if he has been out for a big walkies with Barney and me.  The only problem is he is a typical boy and is not very elegant when he is asleep and is it really necessary to wave it in my face when I'm trying to sleep Really!  Such a fuss about nothing.

Now these trees that I mentioned we have one in the lounge where our soft beds are and one in the dining room where our hard beds are both are really pretty, I think I prefer the one in the lounge see what you think.

The first one is the one in the lounge and the second one is the one in the dining room, you may have to lay on your side to see these properly as I haven't quite got the hang of the camera just yet.  Sorry about this.

Well its back to bed for me and Barney Uncle Paul and Auntie Carole are staying and Uncle Paul goes very very early to go to work and comes home then goes to bed (I Think he has a bit of doggie in him, he like to go to bed in the afternoon like me and Barney).  Mummy says it's because he's a 'Tube' driver, but how can you drive a tube, really Mummy you can't fool me!

Were off to see Nanny and Grandad sand on the week end I wonder what Barney will make of a sandy beach.  I bet he goes in the water again, he did when we went to see Nanny and Barrie pebbles, silly doggie when will he learn.  There is lots to do on the beach though and some wonderful smells.  its going to be great fun!  We are so lucky.

I have to go now so Merry Christmas from me and Barney, hope you have as much fun as we will.

Merry Christmas every one, lots of love to you all

Becka and Barney Xxx

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Ahhh Sunshine

Hello again,

Its been fairly quiet of late, Barney has settled in really well, cheeky guy has even started to make himself at home in my beds but he is really good company even if he wants to play most of the time.  Well I suppose its just he is still very young.

We had Freddie the terrorist over on Saturday morning for a big walkies, daddy took us all to the woods after it had rained a lot on Friday night and there were lots of big puddles in the pathways.  i tried to explain to Freddie and Barney that these could be used as practise for ditch jumping, but Freddie's legs are too short and Barney just loves the water, so the end result was they just ran through the big muddy puddles rather than gracefully sprang over them.  what a state they were in by the time we got back to the feilds.

Daddy is really quite clever though, you remember that Freddie and Barney like to chase a ball (its a boy thing I think!)  well Daddy made the ball go into the long wet grass, so by the time we got back to the car they were very wet, but quite clean.

The walk that Daddy took us on was a lot longer than the normal one so we were all tired when we got home, even Freddie and Barney had to admit defeat and lay down.  I introduced them to the pleasures of stretching out in the sunshine in the lounge, as you can see the warmth really send us off to sleepies.

Now I have to admit I didn't take this photograph as that me fast asleep in the front, but as you can see with a bit of careful organisation we all get our own shaft of sunshine to sleep in.  Clever huh.

Must go now the suns just come out again and I feel a snooze coming on.

Love to every one.

Becka xx

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

What no collar

Hiya everybody,

Barney and me took daddy for his walk around the block this morning as usual and we were just getting home when I spotted a new doggie in the area, naughty doggie ran across the road by our house into a front garden opposite, he didn't have a collar or a mummy or daddy with him.  I wanted to go and say hello, but daddy wouldn't let me.

Daddy did manage to get this photograph on his telephone thing so if you know where this doggie lives let his mummy and daddy know he was out on his own this morning.  In case you were wondering Barney didn't see a thing, but then he is a boy and they walk along smelling all sorts of nasty things, he has always got his nose in places that he really shouldn't.

I hope I get to see this doggie again, it is really pretty, looks a bit like me.

write soon, lots of love


Thursday, 16 August 2012

Problem Solved!

Hiya everybody,

Remember the last time I wrote that I had a worry about Barney being too close to the food making room with the shiny black floor (the kitchen) whilst I was making myself comfy in his new bed.  Well I solved the problem, if you can't beat them , then join them.  However I need a bit of comfort whilst I am watching for tasty treats, so I use the fur ball as a pillow.  See:- 

If we both lay outside the food room then we can both watch for things that get dropped, which may need licking up and I get to do it in comfort with my own centrally heated pillow, how good is that!

Must go now its time for my afternoon nap.

Lots of love  Becka Xxx

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Another New Bed !!!

Hi Everybody,

Mummy had bought another new bed, it was supposed to be for Barney, but it was all just too new and squishy for me to resist.  Its a little bit small for me but as you can see, but, where there is a will there is a way! even if you do have to hang over the sides a bit.

He doesn't seem to object if I use his bed, actually he seems to prefer being on the carpet, or under the table, to being curled up in a nice comfy bed. 

Must be a boy thing, anyway I would give it up if he really wanted it and I have caught him in my bed in the past so its sort of fair, isn't it?  I've also just realised that from here he can see straight into the kitchen, which is were Mummy and Daddy go to make all the nice food, maybe he isn't as daft as I thought. Mmmmm I'll have to have a think about this, maybe the bed should be moved.

This was only a quick note whilst Mummy is out this morning but she may come back at any time so I have to put the laptop thing away now.

Write soon, love  Becka X

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

He's one today

Hello everybody,

Barney has his first birthday today, we had Freddie the terrorist over yesterday so they could play in the garden during the afternoon, they were both very tired by the time he went home.  Barney is one today, I'm four you know, very grown up!.  Mummy and Daddy said we are having a tea party tonight with jelly and special dogie cakes and if you look closely at the pictures below you can see that Mummy and Daddy got Barney a new collar for his birthday, very smart (even though it's not pink like mine)

Apparently, the collar is a Zebra print, whats a Zebra! is that like a black and white stripy dogie? anyway, Happy Birthday Barney, we are going to have a nice party tonight!  Lots of love Becka Xxx

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy

Hello Everybody,

It was my Daddy's birthday on Saturday and Mummy took him to London to the theatre, the theatre is a bit like the haunted fish tank that sits in the corner of the room, but its real people and you have to watch it in a special room with lots of other people all together.  Not sure I can see the point but Mummy and Daddy like it.  Anyway while they were out Nat Nat and Greg came round to use the garden and yes Freddie the terrorist came too.

Now me and my henchman Barney like to bully Freddie a bit and he's generally game for a bit of rough and tumble, but it seems that finding his squeak twice is a bit over the top and we got told off.  Sorry Freddie from Barney and me we was only playing really.  Anyway I digress despite finding Freddies squeak, you remember how the cheeky little monster like to get into bed with me, well it seems that Barney is no longer prepared to be put off.  Have a look at these photographs that Daddy took on Sunday when were all relaxing after the afternoon Barbecue 

See the little fluff ball now thinks it's okay to climb in and make himself at home, to be honest I was too tired to argue, but it has got to stop.  I know that he uses my other bed but I'm not having him in this one, not too often anyway, he has his own bed right alongside

Must go now Daddy is due home soon and I've got to clear up the computer or he will know how I write this, happy birthday Daddy and can we have some more of those Malteaser chocolate things like we had on Sunday, they were nice.

Write soon, lots of love Becka  xXx

Monday, 30 April 2012

I told you, no Dignity !

Hiya Everybody,

We had a nice time at the sea side with Nanny and Barrie pebbles and as suspected the boy was straight in the water at the first opportunity, look at him
First walking about in the water, then fully in up to his neck in it just to get a ball back, would you credit it, I knew daddy had another one in his pocket so why bother getting all wet and messing up your fur!

Now have a look at this picture this is what an elegant doggie with some level of self control and respect looks like at the sea side.

Barney was telling me though that swimming (which is what you do when the sea gets too deep to walk in) is good fun but I'm still not sure because later in the day he snuggled up alongside me in my bed and he was still wet, which as all still a bit unpleasant he'd been rubbed off with one of those towel things same as I had but he has such a lot of shaggy fur it was still wet (well damp actually) and he made my bed damp.  its not his fault though Daddy was encouraging him to go into the water and get the ball.  Daddy should know better, he used to try that with me but I was having none of it.

The next day we went to the green and it was raining so much that Mummy, Daddy, Barney and me all looked like we had been swimming, boy did the little scruff pup live up to his name of Barney the rainmaker on that day, maybe he was getting his own back for having to go into the sea.  When we went home we all had a big rub down with the towel things, then we all had breakfast and it was time to come home, once we got home I could  get back to my big squishy bed and snooze the afternoon away.  That's the only not good thing about going to the seaside, I have to leave my bed at home. barney gets to take his, that's not really fare, but he is only a little doggie at the moment so we have to be nice to him.

Write soon, love to you all  Becka xxx

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Whats in a name again?

Hi Everybody,

Remember a long time ago I got confused over names like Mummy and Daddy being Lesley and Paul, well I think that some people have more than one name, like Freddie the Terrorist, he gets called all sorts of things, some of which are a bit rude and I can't mention them here.

I was wondering if Barney has other names, because since he has been with us it has done nothing but rain should he be Barney Rainmaker, mmmm I wonder.  You see I really don't like the rain, it makes a mess of my nice shiny fur coat and makes me cold and miserable.  Barney on the other hand seems to really enjoy getting wet and muddy, which is a bit of luck as he seems to spend a lot of his time looking like he has been dragged through a hedge backwards.  Before you say it I haven't dragged him though a hedge forwards or backwards, he is way to quick and agile for me to catch him!

I'll have a think about the new longer name, not sure it will stick as well as Freddy the Terrorist, but it does have a certain ring to it.  Anyway leaving aside the weather we are getting along really well, although he will insist upon sniffing the big dogs and not realising when they don't want to play, nothing I can't sort out for him though, bully my little friend really, who do they think they are.

Nanny and Grandad sand came to see me this week Grandad and Daddy had to go out, but Nat Nat and Gregg came over and we all had a really nice time Barney was very good.  I explained to him that he had to be gentle around all of the Nanny and Grandad peoples or they won't let him come and stay and both Nanny and Grandad sand and Nanny and Barrie pebbles lived by two different seas, which was a great place to go and spend weekends.  Neither of us is exactly sure what a weekend is but Mummy and Daddy are always looking forward to them.

On that subject Barney must have been good, because we are all going to see Nanny and Barrie pebbles this weekend at their sea side.  Lets see what Barney Rainmaker makes of all that water, I bet the little scruff bag loves it.  I can see it now, he will be straight in and come out all bedraggled and wet, Boys! they have no dignity.

Must go now I have to think about my wardrobe and travel requirements for the weekend, I think the weekend is very soon because only this morning Mummy said to daddy it's nearly the weekend.

Write soon, love to everyone.

Becka xxx

Friday, 20 April 2012

Boy am I glad I have short fur!

Hello everybody,

Yesterday Freddie the terrorist came to play with Nat Nat and Gregg and with all of the rain its really muddy outside, well by the time the three of us had sorted out who's mouth is bigger that who's which is one of our favourite games, followed by a good chase around in the dirt under the trees.  Freddie and Barney were covered in mud and I had muddy paws.

Daddy let me in the house but Freddie and Barney had to have a wash before they were let in, Daddy has been collecting rain water in these big plastic tubs in the court yard outside the kitchen, he and Gregg stood Barney and Freddie in the two tubs and washed them off before they were allowed in the house.  Now I have had a little sly drinkie out of these tubs and boy they were freezing.  I was watching the two doggies get washed outside in the cold water, laugh, I very nearly had a very unladylike accident it was so funny! boy am I glad I only have short fur, no cold washing for me.

Barney and I are having good fun together and I understand that an old friend of mine 'Mattie' is coming over for a sleep over on Saturday, I wonder what Barney will make of her, she's got springs in her legs and she is really strong.  this should be good fun cos although he is not that big Barney is very quick I'm really looking forward to playing in the garden tomorrow.

Write soon, lots of love Becka

Friday, 13 April 2012

A new brother and now my new bed !

Hello Everybody,

I am just so lucky! yesterday I was told I had Barney as a new brother and then Mummy brought me home my new bed, look how squishy it is I just love it, thank you Mummy.

I don't know why all my pictures are coming out laying down but you will just have to turn your head on its side again to see me properly.  Must be something I've done with the camera.  Not sure what that is.

This one is of me, my new bed and my new little brother, I think he did me a favour eating my old bed this one is just so much better, I had a lovely sleepies in it last night, mind you I was tired me and Barney had a big run with a beagle in the park and I was really tired when we got home, he wouldn't stand still long enough to let me introduce him to Barney, but it didn't seem to matter we had a lot of fun.
I'm looking forward to the weekend because we always have big walkies at the weekends and sometimes we see deer.

Write next week and tell you all about it.

Lots of love Becka Xx

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Wahoo he's staying !

Hiya Everyone,

Remember last time I wrote that we were doggie siting a new friend, Barney (or Sunny he is a bit confused about his name) and we had been having fun playing and he was chasing balls which is good, because it means I don't have to chase them (its so demeaning but it keeps Daddy happy).  Well it turns out that Barney's staying not going home as we originally thought, seems he needs some doggie company and we all get on so well that he has picked us to come and live with.

Probably not a surprise as we are a very nice family and even though he ate my bed he is a really nice little doggie so he is now staying with us for ever and ever, I can't wait to go and play in the park tonight and tell all my friends, its going to be such fun, bit like a permanent sleep over.  Only one thing Barney really has to stop is stealing the plant pots though, particularly the ones with plants in and running off down the garden.  Mummy and Daddy really don't like that, I used to do it when I was little and I got into lots of trouble, perhaps I can persuade him to stop, we'll see.

That's made my week, I'll let you know how we all get on soon.  Must go now though the suns out and I feel a little nap coming on in my favourite shaft of sunshine.

Write soon, lots of love

Becka x

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Doggie sitting again

Hi Everyone,

Meet my latest dogie friend, Mummy brought him home on Thursday of last week for us to look after for a while, strange thing is he says his name is Sunny but all over the weekend Mummy and Daddy seem to have been calling him Barney, very strange, he doesn't seem to care though.

I don't know why these pictures have come through laying down, but if you turn your head on it's side then you can see him clearly.

He is good fun to play with, but he is very like Millie and Freddie the terrorist in that he does this chasing the ball thing, I'm above that you know, but when he is not chasing the ball he likes to run and chase me, he has tried a couple of games of my mouths bigger than your mouth, but of course its just not bigger than mine, although it is bigger than Freddie the terrorist so they seem to enjoy playing it.

Sunny or Barney or whatever his name is, is really nice, or at least we all thought so right up to the point he ate my bed, whilst I was trying to go sleepies in it and every thing! I am now having to sleep on his cushion which is comfy but just a little bit too small.  He is banished to a blanket, serves him right, although Mummy said she is buying me a mew bed which is better than my old one, more squishy and comfy, so I'm sure I will forgive him.

Must go now the sun is shining and I need to get some sleepies, its hard work looking after a puppy again.

Write soon, lots of love Becka xx

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

I'm Back !!!!

Hi Everybody,

I'm sorry I've been away for so long, but I just don't do winter very well, all those cold dark mornings and long dark nights Brrrrrr just not my thing at all.  We did have a lovely time at Christmas and I will come back to that soon, I have some pictures which are quite amazing.  Mummy and Daddy have been working very hard to finish the decorating of my bedroom, they think its a lounge, but it has one of my beds in it so it must be one of my bedrooms.

One thing I have noticed which bothers me is when Daddy and I go walking in the dark evenings on the pavements around where we live, we very often see people talking to themselves, you know walking along chatting away as if there was someone with them, but there is no one there.  At first I thought these people might be talking to me but Daddy says not, they are on the phone, now I don't think for a moment Daddy would lie to me but I've seen Mummy and Daddy using these phone things at home and they always have to have a hand up to their ear with the phone thing in it.  Even in the dark i can see that these strange talking people don't have their hand up with the phone thingy, I even saw one the other evening that had a little flashing light by his ear, I'm worried that we might be being invaded by aliens again, although none of the talking people I see have yellow coats so maybe these are a different type of alien.

I'm on the look out for more clues and I'll let you know what I find, I'll sort out some photographs for my next post, but for now the sun has just arrived through the big glass doors in my bedroom so I think a little snooze is in order, its good to be back though.

Write soon, love Becka x