Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Not such a Wise Old Owl, more a Confused Young Owl

Hi Everybody,

I had a wee bit of a shock a few days ago, I was a sleepies all snuggled down in my bed when BANG! there was a huge noise at the window, Mummy and Daddy either didn't hear it or they ignored it, because they didn't come down.  Scared me at the time, but as Mummy and Daddy didn't seem to be bothered by whatever the bang was I snuggled back down into my bed and went back to sleepies.

Anyway the next morning, Mummy noticed a mark on the window where a bird had flown into the glass and the dust from its feathers had left a shadow of its wings on the outside of the glass.  I went outside to check to see if the birdie was alright, I had a good look round but there was no Dickie on the floor nor was there any feathers under the window so if it was stunned then it must have woken up again before the fox came through the garden.  This is me having a good look around.

On the weekend, Saturday afternoon actually, my sister Caroline came around for dinner, she and Mummy were going to a boot fair on Sunday.  Anyway she noticed the mark on the window, but now with the afternoon sunlight shining on it you could see much more detail, Daddy took some photographs and this is what he got.

Now I wonder what this little Owl though he could see in the glass that he thought would make a tasty snack, not me surely? I'm much too big.

I've got to go now, Mummy is poorly and wants to use the computer so I have to give it up But before I sign off I wanted to add two more photographs Daddy was being all artistic on Sunday afternoon and actually I thought they were quite nice, so I thought I'd share them with you.
Okay Mummy really wants the computer now so I've got to go now.  Write soon.

Love, Becka X

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

That can't be right can it?

Hello everybody,

I need some help here, I'm not sure if Mummy and Daddy are telling stories or not.  Now according to Mummy and Daddy my ancestors came from Rhodesia, I know that much is true because I'm a Rhodesian Ridgeback, the clue is in the title really.  But, now here is where it all gets a bit unbelievable, in the olden days in Rhodesia, my ancestors were trained to hunt lions, well not so much hunt them as track them and then working in pairs or threes to keep the lion occupied until the hunter caught up and trapped or killed the lion.  Sounds like a good story, but Mummy and Daddy went to the Zoo a week or so ago and brought back some pictures of lions, the first one is a Daddy Lion and the second one is a Mummy lion.

Now you can see my problem, have you seen the size of those claws! even with big Boris who is a very big dogie I wouldn't want to try to keep one of these big cats busy until a hunter arrived.  The Daddy lion is laying down and is huge can you really believe that intelligent pretty dogies like me would want to be chasing big scary things like this, surely not!  I think Mummy and Daddy are pulling my paw but I'm just not sure, can anybody help, did my great grand parents really track these huge pussy cats and if they did is that why all the local little cats keep spitting and hissing at me.

Mummy and Daddy had a nice time at the zoo and saw lots of animals, they showed me lots of pictures when they got home some of the animals are really cute and some of them are really scary but the ones that looked like the most fun for me to play with were the Meerkats.  They seem to have lots of energy and I'm sure they would be good at hide and seek, it looks like this one is seeking.

Whilst these two are looking for places to hide, you see I don't want to hunt cats but I'd like to play with them and these look like much more my size of cat, aren't they sweet!

Finally I have one more question, does any one know what this is and why has it got two heads, its a very strange looking animal I've never seen anything with two heads before where do they live.  I've looked around all my favorite walks and I've not seen anything like this.  Can any one help me?

If anyone can help me with this you can email me at this site.

Look forward to hearing from you, lots of love Becka X