Hi Its me again,
When I last wrote Mummy Daddy and me had just packed up my car and were leaving Nanny and Grandad in Margate and heading off to see Sharron, Gary and Boris in Cambridge. I'm not sure where Cambridge is, but then I'm not sure where anything is except home, cos that's where I live, but it seemed quite a long time in the back of the car. I did get the chance for a bit of a rest though, because I'd had a big run that morning on the beach and it was really cold, so the warmth and comfort of my car was very nice.
When we got to Cambridge, Boris and I got reacquainted in the back garden while Mummy, Daddy, Sharron and Gary got together in the house, Boris and I had great fun in the garden, then Daddy and Gary took us out together for a walk across the fields, it was really wet and muddy, which I am a bit doubtful of (I am a girl after all!) but Boris was into every muddy puddle and stream available. I did follow him into one or two, but breaking through the ice, just to get wet is not quiet the fun that Boris seems to think it is. He does however have a much thicker coat than mine and he is much more of a country dog than me so he is used to it. The pictures below are after we got back and dried off, although I did try to get onto the sofa but, Daddy told me very sternly that I was not allowed and I had to settle for stealing Boris' bed instead, he had mine though, so it was all fair

Another couple called Julie and Paul turned up later in the evening and Boris and I were left to our own devices in the sitting room, we did get to escape a couple of times during the evening and check out the great smells coming from the kitchen and to go outside and play some more, we even managed to sneak a few treats from Gary and Sharron, which Mummy and Daddy pretended to ignore, but they knew really! We all had a really late night that night, seems its the one time in the year everyone is expected to stay up past midnight (seems that midnight is when both hands on the clock point up at the same time and its dark outside) I have no idea what time everyone finally went to sleep as I took to Boris' bed and dozed off before everyone had finished.
The next day Boris and I were up and about early as usual but not everyone was their usual lively and cheerful selves, Gary was fine, Daddy was alright, Mummy was 'very tired', but Sharron was very ill (several times) actually in dogie terms she was as sick as a person. Boris, Gary, Daddy and me went out for a walk while Mummy and Sharron went back to bed, according to Daddy they were lightweights, but they looked the same weight as the day before, can anyone explain please.
Anyway the four of us went off on a glorious bright sunny and cold morning for a walk across the fields, we had even had a little dusting of snow just to make it look really pretty. Daddy and I had never been across the fields in this direction, but Boris seemed to know exactly which way we were heading. We were playing chase across this open field, actually I was chasing him and I had him trapped as the edge of the field had a deep ditch which was in his way. I was closing in to pounce on him, when suddenly without breaking stride he leapt across the ditch on to the other side, leaving me scrabbling to a halt on my side, peering into the ice filled ravine below, ravine is possible a bit strong but it was a long way down and there was ice on the top of the water, honestly there was!
Having made me look very silly on my side of the ditch, Boris came back to the other side and nonchalantly bounded across the gap from a standing start, he'd done this before! Boris walked over to where I was standing and looked across the gap with me almost willing me to have a go. Well I may be a bit precious about a lot of things, but I was not going to be left out of this ditch jumping game, it seemed like a lot of fun. I had a little run up and leapt into the air, to my delight and amazement I landed safely on the other side and that was it i discovered I was a natural, I can't leap as far as Boris from a standing start, but he is more practised than me, but we had great fun running and jumping from one field to the next across every ditch we could find, it was so exciting. We were out a very long time, when we got back both Mummy and Sharon reappeared Mummy was not as tired and Sharron was feeling 'almost human again'. daddy checked on the map and although he seemed to think we had, we actually hadn't walked out of the county!
Boris and I sent Mummy and Daddy, Sharron and Garry out for the rest of the day so we could get some rest and he need to dry off, what is this need to jump into every frozen stream and puddle he can find! I just don't understand it, I can see the need to cool your paws off occasionally, but bounding through ice covered streams up to your sensitive bits in freezing water, really there is no need for it. We stayed with Sharron and Gary until the next day when we all got up really early, Sharron had to go and do umpire tennis things and we had to get home, by the time we got home the exertions of playing chase, push, pull, my mouths bigger than your mouth and ditch jumping, for two days, with a dogie half as big and heavy again as I am, had taken its toll and as soon as Mummy had put a clean cover on my bed I curled up and slept for about a day and a half, only getting up for trips to my food bowl, the garden and lifting my leg to have my tummy rubbed, I love having my tummy rubbed. this is me in the Boris recovery position

I'll write again soon.
Love Becka x