Hi everyone,
Its me again, I have a question, whats 'engaged'? Mummy and Daddy got one whilst they were away in Cardiff (at that Millennium Stadium place) and they have been really happy ever since. I've been chewing big lumps out of the kitchen and except for one telling off I've almost been getting away with it!
Can anyone tell me where I can get some more 'Engaged' from, it seems to make them very happy and I might need it in the future, always good to be prepared.
Please let me know.
Becka xx
Monday, 30 November 2009
Monday, 23 November 2009
Baby Sitting

Hi Everybody,
Well I had an eventful weekend, Mummy and Daddy went away for the weekend and I had to look after Natalie and Gregg whilst they were gone. I don't know where it is but Mummy and Daddy went to the Millennium Stadium to watch the Welsh Rugby team play Argentina. They took some pictures to show me, but apart from lots of grass to run around on and big men to chase after, it didn't look like much fun to me, I can do that at home. Still each to their own, I've posted a couple of the pictures to see if it appeals to you, the flames look a bit scary though.

Anyway back to looking after Natalie and Gregg, the first I had to do was to introduce them to Sheila and Graham next door, which Gregg seemed to understand, but Natalie was not impressed with, she told me off and I had to stay in my bed for a while once I got home. Still if I do nothing else I do cute really well and it seems I was forgiven pretty quickly. However, later that same morning Gregg had gone to work and Natalie was in Mummy and Daddy's bedroom doing her hair, when I found this new toy on her bed, seems dogs are not supposed to clean their teeth with human tooth brushes. No one told me! surely this nice minty tasting brush thing was the ideal thing to clean up with before going out to meet other doggies in the park. Apparently not! back to my bed for the second time in a morning, for someone I was supposed to be looking after she is very scary.
Anyway it took a bit longer but seems I was forgiven again and when Gregg came home we all went to the park with Gregg's mum and her doggie, not very social though, still I just went off and played with all the other doggies in the park, which Natalie thought was great fun because she chased me all over the park, eventually I let her catch me and it was time to go home for tea. Pizza! I like Pizza, she must have really enjoyed our run because I got some pizza and lots of cuddles on the floor with both her and Gregg.
Sunday we went to the Bird sanctuary, I like this park because there is hills, trees, lots of fields and usually plenty of other doggies to play with, and there was, we had loads of fun and apparently I was really good, well I thought I'd give them a bit of a break they had a big day yesterday and they are only young after all. Mummy and Daddy came home in the afternoon and we had big fussing, lots of tummy rubs and cuddles, although Daddy walked in and within five minutes had found my gateway to next door and blocked it up again, Meany!
I'd better go now, I think Natalie and Gregg may need baby sitting again soon so Mummy tells me, something about taking my Nanny and Granddad to the airport, I'm not sure what an airport is, but Nanny and Granddad seem to go there a lot. Still it does have the benefit of having Natalie and Gregg to look after, I don't mind really they are quite good kids.
Write again soon, lots of love.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Houdini me
I've had a great time over the last week or so, unbeknown to Mummy and Daddy one of the fence panels blew down in all that wind and rain and they thought I had got into next door through a fox hole. I had loads of biscuits through the hole before they came round to get me and bring me home, seems they thought that I'd be daft enough to take the biscuit and come through the hole for more, I should co co I'm way too cute for that.
The fun's over now though the man next door and my Daddy put the panel back and just for good measure Daddy blocked up the hole as well. We went out for a long walk on Saturday morning, it was supposed to be in between the rain storms, but Daddy timed it exactly wrong and we both got soaked, I didn't like that at all, it was cold and wet. Whats this thunder and lightning stuff too, very noisy and a little bit frightening, stayed close to Daddy when that was going on (he does have his uses).
No pictures this time, it was much too wet to take a camera out, best go now as I'm hatching my next escape plot, I haven't seen the people on the other side for a while, they are always nice so maybe I will have a closer look at that fence.
Write again soon.
I've had a great time over the last week or so, unbeknown to Mummy and Daddy one of the fence panels blew down in all that wind and rain and they thought I had got into next door through a fox hole. I had loads of biscuits through the hole before they came round to get me and bring me home, seems they thought that I'd be daft enough to take the biscuit and come through the hole for more, I should co co I'm way too cute for that.
The fun's over now though the man next door and my Daddy put the panel back and just for good measure Daddy blocked up the hole as well. We went out for a long walk on Saturday morning, it was supposed to be in between the rain storms, but Daddy timed it exactly wrong and we both got soaked, I didn't like that at all, it was cold and wet. Whats this thunder and lightning stuff too, very noisy and a little bit frightening, stayed close to Daddy when that was going on (he does have his uses).
No pictures this time, it was much too wet to take a camera out, best go now as I'm hatching my next escape plot, I haven't seen the people on the other side for a while, they are always nice so maybe I will have a closer look at that fence.
Write again soon.
Monday, 9 November 2009
Hi its me again, you remember that the last time I wrote I mentioned frost, ice and snow! well as you can see from the picture the frost and a little tiny bit of snow on the garden looked really pretty, especially against the blue sky. As long as it stayed like this it was okay, I could run around and keep warm in the garden and my balls bounced really well of the hard ground so that made chasing them much more fun.
The hard ground did have a small disadvantage though, it made digging my escape tunnels a bit more difficult, that combined with Daddy getting to know where the weak spots in the fence were made my visits to the neighbours more and more difficult. I did still manage the odd visit though.
Well I promised to tell you about snow! we went to bed as usual on Sunday, it had been very cold all day and this white stuff had started falling from the sky around Tea time, I had a little look out of the kitchen door, but it didn't seem like much to me. Anyway the next morning Daddy came into the kitchen and we went to go out side for our usual early morning greeting and tummy rubs and the courtyard outside the kitchen door was gone! the whole area was covered in a thick layer of white, very cold, fluffy stuff, which when you stood on it, it eat your paws and legs. In protest at this freezing cold assault on my paws, I did the only sensible thing and laid down, refused to move and cried to be picked up and brought back into the comparative warmth of the kitchen.
Well I promised to tell you about snow! we went to bed as usual on Sunday, it had been very cold all day and this white stuff had started falling from the sky around Tea time, I had a little look out of the kitchen door, but it didn't seem like much to me. Anyway the next morning Daddy came into the kitchen and we went to go out side for our usual early morning greeting and tummy rubs and the courtyard outside the kitchen door was gone! the whole area was covered in a thick layer of white, very cold, fluffy stuff, which when you stood on it, it eat your paws and legs. In protest at this freezing cold assault on my paws, I did the only sensible thing and laid down, refused to move and cried to be picked up and brought back into the comparative warmth of the kitchen.
Later that day, Daddy having called his boss and discovered that the company was shut (I'm not surprised why would anyone want to go out in all that white stuff) we had to go out for a walk. Mummy and Daddy got dressed up in lots of cloths and big boots and I got my lead on, seemed very unfair. We had not got to the end of the path before I started to change my mind about this snow stuff and by the time we had walked to the park, I was in seventh heaven, I could run though all the snow create huge plumes of dust bury my nose in it and generally thought it was the best conditions I had come across in my first year. I'm really hoping that we get to play like this again this winter, it was great fun.

As you can see from the photograph once the stuff had stopped falling, the sun came out and although I never stopped it eating my paws I had great fun in the snow. I'll write again soon.
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